Pizza Dilivery

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~Anna's POV~

"My place tonight?" Niall asks. I watch his lips move as he asks me. My mind is still replaying that kiss, over and over. I can still feel the kiss on my lips. God how I want to kiss him again.

"No. I have work after school."

"Oh. Alright then." That was it. We didn't speak the rest of the period.


"I'll see you later Anna."

"See ya later Niall."


"Anna! Can you do a dilivery?" My boss yells/tells me.

"Yah. Where too?"

"2706 n.w. Drive" I nod. I grab the two piazzas and go in my car.

~Niall's POV~

"Greg! You want pizza?"

"Yah mate! Just order whatever!" I pick up the pizza menu.

"Hello, What About Italian. How may I help you?" The lady sounds cheery and ready to help anyone on earth.

"Yah. Can I have one pepperoni 16" pizza. And the Italian Combo 16" pizza."

"Alright sir. It will be at your house in less than a half hour. And your address?"

"2706 n.w Drive"

"Ok sir you have a good night."

"You to mam."

*25mins later*

"Hello." I say to the pizza girl.

"Hello. I have a pepperoni and the Italian Combo 16" pizzas?" She sounds familiar.

"Yes. That's me." She hands me the pizza. She looks up at me. It's Anna!


"Oh, hi Niall."

"Hey. You deliver pizza?"

"Yah why?"

"I-I didn't know." She shrugs her shoulders.

"Your total is 25.50" I hand her the money.

"Thanks." She says.

"I'll see you tomorrow Ni."

"Wait you just called me Ni."

"Yah. I like it." I smile and she turns back around to her car. And she said she didn't want to call me Ni. That little...whatever.

"Greg, pizza's here!!" I yell up. He comes down stairs.




We sit down at the table.

"So, you going out this weekend?"

"Yah. I'm going down to that new club this weekend."

"Nice. I'm liking your new tat." I look at my fresh tattoo I got a few weeks ago. I smile. "Thanks."

"So any new girls?"

"Yah. One."

"How do you know her?"

"English partner."

"Ah, going for the school girl ah?"

I chuckle, "She is smart, but she doesn't look like a school girl. She almost looks like she should be rocking on a stage or something."

"She into music?"

"Yah. We actually like some of the same artists."

"Cool." I think of the kiss we had yesterday in my room. God I want to taste her lips again. I wonder if she feels the same way? Probably not. She has hated me since forever.

~Anna's POV~

"Hey Anna." Sean says. I'm so happy to spend some time with him.

"How's my favorite girl."


"We just ate a whole pizza!"


"Well, do you wanna go to the little café around the corner?"


I'm so happy I had a short shift today! I love having dates in the middle of the week.

"I'm going to a new club this Saturday. You wanna come?"

"Sure. I have an early shift too that day."

"Ok. I'll pick you up at 7."


"Can I come IN your house this time?"

"No." He can't see how I live. He just can't. He'll think I'm a whore.

"Why not."

"My mom doesn't like guests."

"You say that all the time."

"And our house is a mess. We're cleaning out our attic." Lie. I hate lying to him. But he can't know about how I live. He just wouldn't look at me the same way.

"Fine babe." He kisses me on my temple.

We exit the little café, me eating a double m&m cookie.

"Want a ride home."

"No I have the car tonight."

"All right."

"Can I have a kiss goodnight?"

"Oh corse." He says as he puts his hands on my hips. He looks into my eyes as I look into his deep brown ones. I feel his lips on mine. I kiss him back, smiling as I do. My thumbs passes by his black diamond stud earrings. He slowly pulls back, the way I did with Niall yesterday. Sean kisses my for head.

"I'll see you later babe girl."

"mmm...ok. I'll see you later babe."

He lets go of me and walks to his car. I watch as he puts in a CD and drives away. Sean isn't a 'bad boy' even though he can be mistaken for one. No, he is a hockey player and is amazing in school. He is good in all subjects accept English. I sigh and get in my car. I drive the few blocks to my house. I unlock my door to my house.

"Justin!" I hear my mom say. New guy tonight I guess. I go down to my room, take a shower, and listen to my music.

Green Day blasts with American Idiot. I listen to the words and what he is saying. I can block out so many things just listening to my music. The song changes and it goes to a 5 seconds of summer song. I close my eyes and drift off listening to the bands song that I have come to love.

"I dedicate this song to you,

The one who never sees the truth,

That I can take away your hurt, heartbreak girl..

Hold you tight straight through the day light,

I'm right here. When you gonna realise

That I'm your cure, heartbreak girl?

I bite my tongue but I wanna scream out

You could be with me now

But I end up telling you what you wanna hear,

But you're not ready and it's so frustrating

He treats you so bad and I'm so good to you it's not fair.

And when the phone call finally ends

You say, "I'll call you tomorrow at 10,"

And I'm stuck in the friend zone again and again"




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