Good Morning Sunshine

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~Anna POV~

I wake up to the smell of breakfast. Wait mom doesn't cook? Wait where the hell am I? I look around and then I remember everything. Being sexually abused by Sean, asking to stay at Niall's, everything. I look and see Niall sleeping in the arm rest. I look down and I'm wearing his clothes. Did I change? Oh, yah. We watched a movie and I don't have extra clothes so I asked to barrow some.

"Good morning Anna. How'd you sleep?" Mrs.Horan asks me.

"Really good and good morning to you to."

"Oh, thank you. My gosh Niall is actually dating a girl with manners." Dating? What? We're not-wait...

*Flash Back*

"I know you just broke up with your boyfriend and all, but would you like to go out sometime?"

I look into his bright Irish blue eyes. No one has treated me like him. He's so sweet and kind. But what if he is just like Sean. But what if he isn't. I just kissed him like he was the love of my life and he was majorly turning me on. The way his Irish accent gets really thick and low and sexy. How he says sweet things to me, how we can fool around with each others emotions. Our devilish smiles, God I've had nothing like this before. I smile at Niall and he smiles right back. I peck him on the lips.


*End of Flash Back*

Ok so I'm dating Niall less then 24hrs after my breakup and I'm already moved on. I'm such a tramp, just like my mom. But if I'm able to move on so easy, maybe Sean wasn't the right one. I come back to reality when Mrs.Horan asks, "You alright love?"

"Yah I'm alright. I just spaced out, that's all."

"All right. Would you like some breakfast?"

"Yes. Please." She puts pancakes, eggs, bacon, and orange juice in front of me.

"Oh, thank you so much."

"Oh, it's nothing. I always cook like this."


"Yes. Doesn't your mum?"

"No. She burns water." Ok this is true. My dad always cooked in the house. So we live off of take out and boxed mac&cheese. Unless I cooked.

"Ah. Well do you cook?"

"Yes I love cooking."

"Good. Cuz Niall eats like a pig!"

"That makes two." She laughs.

"Well I have to leave for work, but tell Niall I left."

"Alright. Have a good day Mrs.Horan."

"You to love." She goes to her car and drives off. I go over to a sleeping Niall. I hear him softly snore.

"Anna" I hear him mumble in his sleep. I giggle. Aw he talks in his sleep. I kiss his temple. I see his eyes open. He blinks a few times and smiles up at me.

"Good morning sleepy head." I say.

"mmm, Good Morning Sunshine." He says in a very sleepy voice. I giggle and peck him on the lips.

"Your mom made breakfast, but she went to work."

"mmm...ok I'll be there in minute." I smile and go back to my seat and start eating. Niall quickly stretches and gets himself some pancakes, bacon, and eggs.

"Do you want tea? Usually my mum makes tea, but I guess she didn't this morning."

"Shore I love tea." I actually prefer it over coffee. I just like how it tastes. It's sweet and sometimes fruity.

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