The Project

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(September 20, one month after school has started for Anna)

"Settle down. Settle down." My teacher yells over us. "Now that we have finished our first novel, it is time for your first project. And you will work with your partners."

Great. Just Great.

"You'll each be assigned a project and is due at the end of the week. You may start."

I look at the post-it note with our project: Make a poster describing the two characters and how they are the same, and how they are different. (Male and Female don't count. Same with anything physical about them)

Ok not too hard. But this means I have to spend time with him out of school. Great.

"So what's the plan?"

"Well, we have to compare the two main characters. How they are different and how they are the same. And physical characteristics don't count."

"So like you and me almost. How ironic."

"We have nothing in common besides going to the same school and breathing."

"Really? That's all? How'd you know? You've never talk to me."

"Please. I think I know enough." He chuckles at me.

"How about this if I'm wrong, I'll won't talk to you besides this class."

"And if I'm wrong?"

"You have to kiss me on the lips for a full 5 seconds, and I still can talk to you out side of class." No way I'm lousing this bet. I smile cockily.


"My house. After school. Meet me by my car."


Niall walks out of the room, leaving me behind. What did I just do?

~Niall's POV~

3:20. Where the hell is that girl. I see her turn around the corner. Finally.

"K I'm here." I open the door. I tip my head towards the door. She rolls her eyes and gets in the car.


"As i'll ever be." I laugh and turn on the engine to my car. I swing out of the lot and ride the few blocks to my house. I wonder if Greg is home yet?

We get to my house and I go around and open her door.

"Nice house." She says flatly.

"Thanks. Shall we go in?"

"Sure." I open the front door letting her go in.

"Greg you home?" No response. Ok he is still at work.

"Want anything to eat?"

"No. I'm good." I go to the kitchen and grab a box of cookies.

"My room?" I ask with a mouth stuffed with cookies.

"Ok" Everything she says is so flat. Does she have emotion? I lead her up the stairs to my room. I bump the door with my hip. I see her look at all my posters on the wall. Verity of bands and artists. Anything from Justin Timberlake to Linkin Park.

"So, shall we start?" She puts down her bag and nods. I wonder what is going through her pretty little mind.

"So do you wanna brain storm?"

"Yah..." She says still looking at my room.

"Haven't you've seen a room before?"

"Yah, I have actually. I just don't...never mind." She says as she gets her note book out and pencil.

"So lets start." With that we..or she jots down the similarities and differences between the characters.

"So. Shall we meet up at your place tomorrow?"

"No!" She says too quickly.

"Um...ok here again then?"

"Sure." When she said 'no' she looked scared and shocked. Well at least I know she has emotion now. But why is she so scared of going to her place? Whatever. She'll come around.

"So what do you think of my room?"

"I like it. It's cool." So we do have maybe something in common.

"Really? How so?"

"All the posters from the bands and artists. I love all of them."

"Even Green Day and Linkin Park?!?"

"Yah why?"

"I never pictured you liking them."

"Well looks can be deceiving I guess."

"Yah." She packs up her stuff off the floor.

"Well I better be going. My parents..want me home soon."

"Want a ride darlin?"

"No. I don't live too far. And please don't call me darlin."

"Ok. See ya tomorrow..darlin."

"Fuck you." She said and left me.

I smile. Looks like I'm gonna call her darlin a lot. Well now I know we have something in common. But I won't make her kiss me..not yet at least. I'm gonna find out more about this mystery girl.




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