25 Trauma

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I wake up with a pounding in my head. Awe shit. I start to sit up but I don't see Anna next to me. She must have been up already. I stumble out of the bed sheets and go into the kitchen. I see Anna in my hoodie and a pair of leggings. She was cooking something that smells soooo good.
"Morning sleepy." She says to me.
"How's your head?"
"My head?"
"Well you were a bit tipsy last night."
"Oh. Sorry Luv."
"It's ok Ni.....I just don't want it to be every time we go out." I go behind her and hug her. I will never put her back in the same situation she is in now.
"I'm sorry Luv. I'm trying my best."
"How about this?" She turns to me.
"When we go out for a drink you only have 1 for the first 1 to 2 hours. And see how feel and act."
"That sounds good."
"Good." She pecks me and goes back to flipping the pancakes.
"Anything I can do?" I ask her.
"If you want you can cook the sausage and bacon."
It's been two days since New Years and I still feel so horrible about what happened that night. Her ex coming and almost killing her, me getting tipsy and making her disappointed... I just never want to make her sad or feel like she has to babysit me when we go out. I feel like such a spoiled brat. What the fuck was I thinking?
"Babe. What's wrong?" Anna says while hugging me from behind. I turn my body towards her.
"I just feel like I'm disrespecting you."
"How so...?"
"Just. Being irresponsible with my drinking and not taking hold of it..I don't want you to go through your home life all over again. I wanna be the man you can be proud of."
"Ni. I am proud of you. You just saying you wanna be better and take a hold of it already is half the battle. I know you can get through it and become stronger." She gives me a big smile and I smile right back. I peck her and whisper, "I'll be that man."

~2 Weeks Later~
We're back at school and all I can think about is the next holiday. I just can't wait to graduate and just be free. But on the up side Anna and I have been having a lot of bonding type time. Not sexual, but just talking and just getting to know each other more. She got accepted to a couple colleges, but doesn't know if she wants to go. All she wants to do is do music. She said that one of the collages has great courses for writing and music. I'm kinda hoping she does choose to go. I think she should learn and go for her dreams. I'm waiting to hear. I'm hoping to get a school in business so I can open my own store. I wanna open a record shop and have an upstairs for me and Anna and a down stairs for public coffee house. They'd have beer, food, and young inspiring artists. Anna says she loves the idea. I really hope I can make it happen.
I feel warm lips on my skin as I wake up. The lips travel from my neck to my shoulder. I open my eyes and turn to my kisser. I face Anna and she just smiles at me.
"Morning sleepy." She says to me.
"Morning luv. You sleep well?"
"Always." I smile and kiss her forehead.
"What do you want to do today babe?"
"Hm...wanna go out for breakfast?"
"Sure! Where to?"
"I don't know what sounds good?"
"How about...that little café in the city suburb area?"
"The one with the really good pastries?"
"Alright let's get dressed!" We get dressed and head for the café. It's snowing out and everything looks like it does in the movies. As we park I look over at Anna. She is looking out the window. Very quite.
"What's wrong darling." She shrugs her shoulders. She had been stressed out of her mind with school. She is trying to keep her 4.0 for graduation, but she has been struggling.
"Is it school?" She shook her head.
"What is it you can tell me babe." She turned to me.
"I'm scared"
"Of what?" She shakes her head.
"I don't know why. He is gone. Dead. Why am I still scared?" I know she is talking about her ex or his father. She must be going through post dramatic stress or something. I don't blame her. I bring her close to me and comfort her the best I can. "It will be ok darling. He isn't here. I won't let no one hurt you."
"I know. But I'm still so scared."
"I don't know if you like the idea but, maybe we should see a therapist." She looked at me.
"Just to talk about how you feel. I don't know everything. And I don't blame you a second for still being scared. Trust me I get nervous still too. But we need to talk to someone out side of just us." She nods.
"That makes sense." I hug my little angel and kissed her forehead.
"So..breakfast?" She laughed.
"Yes. Breakfast." I love to see that smile of hers. I kissed her and we walk into the restaurant.

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