Truth or Dare?

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~Niall's POV~

I walk into class for English. I see Anna already there. Rolling Stones tee, black shorts, converse, gold bracelets and necklaces, and a red bow. She is adorable.

"Hey there darlin."

"Stop calling me that Niall."

"Na. I like it."

"Well I don't."

"So, we are at my place again right ANNA." I say. I like calling her darlin.

"Yes, NIALL."

"You can call me Ni if you want."

"Cool, but I think I'll stick with Niall."


"Good morning class. Today we will be working on our projects. As well as Wednesday and Thursday. You all may start."

"Ok, so what shall we do captin?" I ask.

"Don't call me that. Um...we could do a little bit more brain storming, then we could type the stuff up. If we don't finish typing here we can finish it at your place."

"Yes sir!" I say swinging my hand off the top of my for head. She rolls her eyes at me and we get to work.


"Any thing to eat Love." I ask. Does this girl have a breaking point?

"Sure what do you got? And Love really? Is that the best you got boy?" Challenge accepted.

"Well we have chips, Ms. Always On Time."

"Thanks. Captain Obvious! And chips are fine."

"Up stairs Mrs. Is that the best you got?"

"Sure Mr. I can't come up with good come backs." Wow! She is better than I thought at this game. She passes me and walks up the stairs. I quickly follow her.

"So ready to work beautiful?"

"Sure Smart Ass."

"Kiss up."

"Guy Crazy."

"Full of Himself"

"Goodie Too Shoes"

"Mr.Too Rich to care."

"Whore" The word lingers in the air. Stupid. I think to myself.

"Yah, I live with one." I hear her whisper.



"You said Yah, I live with one."

"I did?"




"We should get started on our assignment Niall." I'm not gonna argue. We take out our lap tops and start typing. She plugs in her head phones to the computer. I wonder what she is listening to? She soon takes them out.

"Do you have an air printer?"


"Where is it."

"Down the hall to the right."

"Thanks Niall." She turns her heel and walks down the hall. She soon returns with her typed sheets.

"You almost done?" She asks quietly.

"Yah. In fact. I just finished."

"Cool do you think you can get a poster for tomorrow?"

"Sure." She packs her stuff up.



"Why don't you stay for a little bit? I mean we really don't know each other too well."

"Um...ok. Today is?"


"I can stay for a lil while longer I guess." She sits on my bed next to me.

"How about we play truth or dare?"

"Alright. Truth or Dare Niall?"


"Do you speak Irish around your family."



"Truth or Dare?"


"I dare you to say the worst thing you have ever herd spoken."

"Don't listen to you dad." That is odd.

"Truth or Dare?"

"Dare." I say.

"Do your worst impression of me."

"I'm Anna, and I LOVE Niall Horan!"

I hear her slightly giggle. That's a first.

"Horrible." She says. I smile at her.

"Truth or Dare?"


"What do you really think about me?"

"Your a bad boy, who is dyeing to find a girl to love you, but is looking in all the wrong places. You have everything, but yet you don't want any of it. So you go out and party and find some one or some thing to fill a void. That's what I think of you."

She got it! Spot on! How though?

"Truth or Dare?"


"What do you think about me?"

"That your hiding something no one knows about you. Not even Sean knows about your life. That you miss something a lot, but you may never have or see again."

"Your right." She blearily whispers.


"Your Right."





"Truth or Dare?"

"Dare" she quietly says.

I look straight into her deep sea green eyes. "Kiss me" I feel her hands on my neck, her nose to mine. She flutters her lashes. I slowly close my eyes and feel her lips on mine. They are soft and sweet. My fingers slip in her straight brown hair with honey gold highlights. She slowly pulls away. The kiss lingers between us.

"Ni, this is just a dare. Nothing else." I nod. But I know this is more. Way more than just a kiss. And did she just call me Ni.

"Does this mean I win the bet?" I say cockily. She rolls her eyes.

"No. We still don't have anything in common."

"Shore we do."

"Like what?"

"Well we both like Linkin Park. We make up stupid come back names. We both have something that nobody knows about us. And I'm not a natural blond. I'm a brunette."

She looks at me and sighs.

"I guess I'll give you some credit. There still isn't a solid thing though that we have in common."

"Ok." I notice her hands are still on my neck.

"Well, I think I'd better be going now."

"Want a ride?"



"I'll see you later Ni."

"Yah later."

She slowly stands up and walks out my door. I sigh. That kiss I will never forget. I have to have it again one day. One Day.




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