Black Veil Brides time! Hope you like it :)
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I woke up early the next day. I took a quick shower before I started to do my hair and make-up. I got dressed in black jeans and a Mötley Crüe tank top that I'd made from a t-shirt. I looked in the mirror one last time before I headed out. Okay, let's do this Liz. This is a new start. Leave it all behind, I thought.
Ella drove me, Ted and Emma to school that day. It was the first day of the semester. It only took a few seconds from that we arrived that people started to give me weird looks. Wow I was glad that it was my final year.
Ted showed us the way to the office so that we could get our schedules. We also got a note that every teacher had to sign for some reason.
I found my way to the first lesson, english. I gave the teacher the note and went to the back of the room and sat down at a bench. I plugged in my earphones in my phone and started to listen to Black Veil Brides' song The Gunsling. I liked the band even though I knew nothing about them. My friend had showed me their music the day before my parents died and their song Never Give In was probably the only thing that had helped me through it.
The lesson started. It was really boring and I didn't pay much attention to what the teacher said. When half of the lesson had went walked five guys and a girl in. All of them had black long hair, black clothes and eyeliner. I couldn't help but smile when I saw them. The girl had black and red hair and a dress on. She and the shortest guy were holding hands, they were probably dating.
"Nice of you to join the class", the teacher said to them.
"Sorry Mr. Jones, problem with the car", the tallest guy said with a dark voice.
"Sit down Mr. Biersack", Mr. Jones said.
The guys went to the back of the room and sat down at the benches around me.
I couldn't take my eyes away from the guy who just spoke. He had long black hair, black jeans and his shirt looked just like mine did, only that it was still in T-shirt form. But it wasn't what made me look. It was his really light blue eyes.
He noticed that I looked on him and smiled at me the most beautiful smile I'd ever seen. I quickly looked away and let my hair fall across my face so that he couldn't see me.
I tried to listen to what the teacher said the rest of the lesson but it was really difficult. All I could think of was the guy's beautiful eyes and that smile.
I went out from the classroom as fast as I could when the first lesson was finished. I stopped in the hall and looked on my schedule to see what the next lesson was. When I looked up again was he there. The guy with the eyes. I jumped a bit when I saw him, didn't expect someone to be there.
"Sorry didn't mean to scare you", he said and smiled.
I didn't find the words at first. "It's okay, I was just surprised", I said after a while.
"Are you new here? I don't think I've seen you around before", he said.
"Yes, I moved here yesterday actually", I said.
"Oh from where?" he asked.
"Really? That's a really long move. Well I'm Andy", he said.
"What is your next lesson?" he asked.
"Math with Mrs. Lloyd", I said after a quick look on my schedule again.
"Mine too! Come, I'll show you the way", he said and took my hand.
My heart jumped over a beat when I took my hand .I could feel my cheeks getting warm and hoped that he didn't notice.
"So what's your real name?" he asked when we walked down the hall.
"Elizabeth", I muttered. "Yours?"
"Andrew", he muttered back.
"I like it", I smiled.
"Thank… I guess."
After that boring lesson Andy asked me if I wanted to join him and the rest of the guys for pizza. I really didn't want to go back to Ella's house yet so I said yes. We met the rest of the guys on the schools parking lot. Well and the girl.
"Who is this?" one of the guys said.
"This is Liz. Lis this is Ashley, Jake, CC, Jinxx and Sammi", Andy said and pointed on everyone. "And feel free to ignore Ash."
"Why do you want her to ignore my lovely Purdyness?" Ashley asked.
"Purdyness?" I asked.
"He makes up his own words with his last name in it", Sammi explained.
"Can we go? I wan pizza", Jake said and started to walk towards a black car.
"I'll go with Jinxx and Sammi!" CC shouted and started to walk towards another car.
"Me too!" Ashley said.
Jake, Andy and I went to the mall in Andy's car and the others in Jinxx's. The mall was the biggest one I'd ever seen! Even though Andy said that it was kind small. We ordered two pizzas that was gigantic! We sure did not have so big pizzas at home. We ordered a pizza that we ate alone, not shared a big ass one.
"I have to ask, where are you from? You speak weird", CC said.
"Thanks", I chuckled. "I'm from Sweden."
"Cool!" Ashley said. "Why did you move?"
"My dad got a new job", I quickly lied.
I didn't know why I was lying. I didn't want them to feel sorry for me I guessed. See me as a victims. I had to lie even though it made me feel bad.
"Wow look at that girl!" Ashley said and pointed behind me and Andy.
I looked behind me and saw Emma who walked towards us.
"It looks lie he's on her way over here". Jake said to Ashley.
"Of course she is. Everyone wants a piece of Purdy."
"Hi Liz, what are you doing here?" Emma asked me in swedish.
"Eating lunch", I said and pointed on the pizzas.
"Oh okay", she said. "Well Ella wanted me to tell you that they won't be home tonight so we have to make our own dinner."
"That's fine", I smiled.
"See you at home", she said and walked away.
"I didn't understand a word the two of you was saying but do you know her?" Ashley asked.
"She's my twin sister."
"Are you kidding me? She's hot!" he said.
"Guys, my mom will kill me if I'm not home soon", Sammi said.
"Do you want a ride home?" Andy asked me.
"Sure", I said.
The two of us went to Andy's car and the others went to Jinxx's.
"This is Ella and Stephan White's house", Andy said when he pulled over outside the house.
"I know", I said .
"Do you live with them?" he asked.
"Uhm yes, it's my moms cousin. We live with them until our house gets finished", I quickly lied. "Thanks for the ride!"
"Bye", he said and drove away.