Chapter 12

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Sorry for not posting anything in 234567,86 years! I've been really really really busy with school and that shit... 

And sorry for a really short and boring chapter! Anyway... vote, comment and that stuff and I would be sooo motherfucking happy ^^

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Andy's POV

We finished the concert. It had been the best concert for a long time! We'd had a three hours long signing before the show since we wouldn't do one after the show. We would have to go straight to the airport and fly down to Florida with the new band we was touring with. I had no idea who they were. Jon had told us just before the concert that we would tour with them. 

The band waited for us backstage. They all seemed really tense when they saw us for some reason. Ashley walked over to one of the girls in the band. 

"Hi I'm Ashley. Ashley Purdy", he said and grinned. 

"Joanna", the girl said. 

"This is Andy, Jinxx, Jake and CC", Ash introduced us. 

"JJ, Seth, Matt and Liz", Joanna said and pointed towards her band. 

Liz? Did she just say Liz? I looked over on the other girl in the band. Yep. There she was. Liz. She had changed a lot. She was still short and thin, maybe even thinner now. The once black hair was now blue, black and blood red in different layers. She looked more grown up. 

"Liz?" was all I could say.

"I'll be waiting in the car", she mumbled and walked away. 

The rest of her band walked after her. 

"Was that…?" I heard Jake say behind me. 

"Yep", I whispered. 

"Wow", Ashley said. 

"This is going to be a great tour", Jinxx mumbled. 

"Let's go", CC said. 

How was I going to make this? Seven months with someone who hated me. I didn't like her that much either at the moment. Couldn't she at least talk to me? When i left for tour, I never heard anything from her again. She never answered my phone calls or texts. Sammi folk me that she hadn't met Liz for three weeks after we left. That she never went outside anymore. 

But it was true, that thing I said at the concert. I did still love her and she was always on my mind. 

In these three years I'd dated some girls but things never got any serious because none of them was Liz. She was the only thing I wanted. She was the one. 

We arrived at the airport. We was already late for the flight and had to run to the get. I was the first one to arrive since I had the longest legs. I sat down in the seat and waited for the rest to come. One of the guys in Liz's band, JJ I think, sat next to me. 

"Hi", he said. 


The girl, Joanna, sat next to JJ. MY band was far away in the plane. Yay! Liz gave me a look that could kill when she walked pass me and I could feel the guilt hit me. 

"Wow she's really pissed", JJ said. 

"I've never seen her this angry", Joanna said. 

"It's all because of me right?" I asked. 

"Uhm yeah", JJ said. 

"Of course…" I muttered. 

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Again, sorry for a bad chapter! I'm gonna' try to do a better one next time x)

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