Okay, first of all I just wanted to thank everyone of you who reads my stories ^^ I never thought I would have this many fans on this page or so many who reads this story c: so THANK YOU <3
Vote and comment pleeease c:
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Another argument between Josh and I was happening at the moment. It was always the same thing, he was jealous and I got mad which ended with both of us screaming at each other.
This time it had started with that he wanted me to move in with him. I had told him that I would think about it since I thought that it was a bit too early, we'd only been together for like two months. He had asked me if it was because something was happening between JJ and I and that was where we were now.
"Is it?" he asked when I didn't answer him.
"Is it what Josh?" I asked.
"Something going on between JJ and you", he said again.
"No? Why would there be?"
"Because you don't want to move in with me even though you spend all your fucking time here anyway and you two seem pretty damn close", he said.
"Well of course we're pretty damn close, we fucking live in the same house, he's one of my best friend and we're in the same band! What did you expect?"
That's the thing! You'd rather live with him than your boyfriend?"
"I didn't say that. Josh, I didn't say that I didn't want to move in with you. I just said that I wanted some time to think about it", I yelled, getting more angry at him.
What was his problem? This whole jealousy thing had started on the Asking Alexandria concert when he told me to stay away from Ben. After that had he been trying to get me away from all the guys I was friends with. Hell what was next? He wants me to stay away from my brother?
"What is there to think about? It's like you already live here", he said.
"So what does it matter if I still have stuff at my other place? I'll go get them when I'm ready for it!"
"I thought you loved me but apparently you love this JJ guy more than me", Josh muttered.
Really? Did he just say that?
"Are you fucking dumb? Yes, I love JJ. I love him like a brother, nothing else. Just like I love everyone in my band that way. And yes I love you. I love you with all my fucking heart, can't you see that? And if I had something going on with JJ wouldn't I be here fighting about this would I?" I yelled.
He didn't say anything else, just stormed out of the house. That was always how it went. He stormed off, probably to the shop or something, would come back later and apologize for it all.
I did love him very much but all this fighting was starting to get on my nerves. Why did he have to make such a big thing about everything? Why couldn't he just trust me?
It was moments like this that I really missed being with Andy. He always trusted me and never picked on fights with me. He really loved me for who I was, and sometimes I wondered if Josh did that or if he just was with me to get his shop more famous.
The shop had actually got a lot more costumers since we started to go out together. Fans to me would come to his shop and get a tattoo, hoping that I would show up or something.
I sat down on the couch and sighed loudly. What would I do? I was sick of this but I didn't want to leave. I felt like I needed to be with Josh because what else would I do? He was the thing that got my mind off Andy and the whole situation around it It felt like he was the thing that made be able to breath these days and that I would die without him.
But would I really stay even if it made me unhappy?