Woop woop this chapter is the last! ;O
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Jake's POV
I walked out of the store and saw Liz walk pass me. "Liz?" I asked.
She turned around and looked on my. "Oh hi Jake! Sorry didn't see you there", she smiled.
"That's okay", I chuckled.
"How are you? It's been forever since we talked", she said.
"Yeah I know. I'm good, you?"
"I'm okay, still in the healing process you know but it's a lot better now", she said.
"Good to hear", I smiled.
"What are you doing here by the way?" she asked.
"We're having a show tonight and I had to buy some stuff to the guitar", I said.
"Oh I heard about that, it's a free show right?" she asked.
"Yep, you should come!" I said.
"Yeah I might do that."
"Call me if you do so I can get you backstage. And if you can't make it then you can always come to the party after."
"Sounds great", she said. "Uhm, how's Andy?"
Wow she actually asked about Andy? I thought that she wouldn't even care if he got ran over by a bus or something.
"He's… okay I guess. Far from good but he's better. He's not the same guy at all though."
"What do you mean?" she asked concerned.
"I probably shouldn't even say this to you but I'll do it anyway. All he cares about is you Liz. You're his everything. All he's been thinking of since the day you broke up with him is how he's going to explain to you what really happened so that you will believe him. He was starting to slowly get better until he found out that you and Josh are together. That broke him again. He was so angry about it all that he started to break things all over the house After that haven't he done a fucking thing."
I could see how tears started to fill her eyes but she blinked them away before they could fall. It was obvious that she wanted to seem strong and like she didn't care about him but I could see that she missed him as much as he missed her. It was suppose to be them.
"But he kissed her. I know what I saw Jake", she said.
"Liz, that wasn't the first time a fan had kissed him like that. They've done it to all of us and they don't care if we want it or not", I said.
"I just don't know what to believe anymore", she sighed.
"Think about it. And call me tonight okay?" I said and walked away.
Liz's POV
I watched as Jake disappeared down the road.
Think about it… Think about what? Ugh how I hated when someone said something like that and then just walked away so I had to figure it all out by myself.
I was on my way home to Josh to pick him up before we would go over to my house for the BBQ. I was glad that it was a long way home because I had a lot on my mind and didn't want Josh to ask about it.
Did Jake see it? That I wasn't over Andy. Was it so obvious how much I missed him and actually wanted him back? But I couldn't do that. He did kiss her. I saw that. But was it like Jake said? Was it just some fan who did that even though he didn't want her to? No. It couldn't be.