Chapter 27

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I was getting ready to meet Josh again. The only problem was that I had no idea what to wear. I didn't want to be too dressed up and not too casual. 

"Joanna!" I shouted. 

"What?" she shouted back. 

"I need your help!"

"With what?" she asked and entered my room.

"I don't know what to wear", I said. 

"Okay I'll help you", she said and walked over to my closet. "Where is he taking you?" 

"I don't know, he just said that I would come to his tattoo shop."

"Casual it is then. If he didn't tell you where you're going then he can't expect you to dress up."

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yes. Are you nervous Liz? Since when does Liz White get nervous?" 

"I don't know… I just really like this guy and I don't want to ruin it", I said. 

"Calm down Liz, you're not going to ruin it by wearing the wrong clothes. Now put these on", she said and gave me a pair of black jeans shorts and a Motionless In White t-shirt that I'd cut to a very messy tank top. "He would probably want to know who the real you are and these clothes screams Liz."

"Thanks", I said and walked over to the bathroom to change. I put on my Dr. Martens before I left the house. 

"Have fun!" Joanna shouted from the door as I made my way to the tattoo-shop. 

I'd found out the day before that the shop wasn't far away from where I lived so I walked there. I could feel how my heart started to beat a little faster when a saw the sign to the shop. Wow, I was actually nervous… over a guy. 

I opened the door. Josh sat down at the drawing-table and worked on something.

He didn't notice me when I came so I walked over to him. "Hi", I said. 

"Liz! Hi!" he said and hugged me. "Wow you look really good."

"Thanks. I hope you're not taking me to a fancy place", I smiled. 

"Don't worry", he smiled back. 

Okay, my heart almost stopped when I saw that smile. Imagine the most beautiful smile ever, so beautiful that you can't even describe it. 

"So what are you doing?" I asked and looked down on the drawing that was on the table. 

"Something for tomorrow. But let's go", he said and took my hand. 

Every touch made my skin burn, and I loved it. 

I really shouldn't feel like this way after just a day but I couldn't help it. 

We went to the beach and Josh bought us french fries. We walked around on the beach and talked about everything. It felt like I had known Josh for years, not only a day. He was really easy to talk with and I loved that. 

But the best was the end of the night. The kiss. The perfectness of every first kiss. 

The only problem with it was that it wasn't Andy's lips. It felt so perfect but so wrong at the same time to kiss someone else. It felt like I was cheating on Andy even though we wasn't together anymore. 

"Thank you for tonight, it was great", I said. 

"We have to make it again", he said and smiled. 

"We sure do. Call me", I smiled and got into the cab I'd stopped on the street. 


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