Chapter 23

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Andy's POV 

We was walking back to the others in the waiting room when we met Emma and David in the hall, talking to a doctor. 

"What's up?" I asked and stood next to Emma while Ashley kept on going. 

"Excuse me but who are you?" the doctor asked.

"He's the boyfriend", Emma explained. 

"Andy", I said and reached out my hand. 

"Nice to meet you Andy, I'm dr. Hansen", he said and shook my hand .

"So what's up with Liz?" I asked. 

"As I just said to her brother and sister, she's very lucky. The bullet didn't hit any important organs. She had an inner bleeding but we stopped that. She do have two broken ribs though and won't be able to go back on tour for a  couple of months though. We want to keep her here for another week or so just to make sure that everything heal as it should", dr. Hansen said. 

"Is she awake?" I asked. 

"Not yet. She'll wake up in a couple of hours but I suggest that all of you goes home and sleep and then come back tomorrow", he said. 

"No, I'm staying", I said. 

"Are you sure Andy?" Emma asked. 

"Yeah, I'm not leaving her alone here", I said. 

"Okay, we'll see you tomorrow", Emma said and walked away with David after her. 

Dr. Hansen showed me to Liz's room before he also disappeared. 

It broke my heart to see her there in the hospital bed. Her skin was even paler than it used to be which I didn't even think was possible. 

I sat down on a chair next to the bed. After that, all I could do was to wait. 

I woke up the morning after. Liz was still asleep. I walked over to her and took her hand. When my hand touched hers she woke up. She sat up just like they do on tv when they wake up from a nightmare. 

"FUCK!" she screamed and laid down again. "Fuck that hurts!" 

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"No! What the fuck do you think?" she snapped.

"Is there anything I can do", I asked.

"Yes. You can go and never come back", she said .

"Are you kidding me?" I asked surprised.

"No. Please just go."

"I'm not going to leave you here alone", I said. 

"Why not? I don't want you here Andy", she said. 

"Because I fucking love you Liz! I just got you back, I'm not leaving again", I said. 

"Andy I saw you! You kissed her! That's not something people do if they love someone else!" she yelled. 

"Liz you have to listen to me. I did not kiss her." 

"Oh then who was it that I saw? Do you have a twin you never told me about? Just leave!" she said. 

"I didn't. She kissed me! I didn't do anything!" 

"You're lying!" 

"Liz, what can I do to make you believe me?" I asked.

"Nothing" I won't believe another word you say ever again!" she yelled.

Ashley and Emma ran into the room. 

"What's happening here?" Ashley asked.

"Nothing", Liz said and tried to sit up.

"What are you doing?" I asked. 

"If you're not leaving, I am", she said and glared at me. 

"Are you crazy?" She couldn't leave. She could barely sit up!

"Well it's good that you're so perfect!" I yelled.

"Okay! Andy, Leave! Liz, calm the fuck down!" Ashley said and started to drag me out from the room.

Liz's POV

Ashley dragged Andy out of the room. Good think that Ash was stronger than him. Emma stayed in the room.

"You shouldn't sit up", she said. 

"I know", I mumbled and laid down again. 

"Does it hurt much?" she asked and saw down on the chair next to the bed. 

"Yes… where is she?" I asked, meaning the girl who shot me. 

"Jail", she said. 

"Good. Who was it?" I asked. 

"Some fangirl who'd gone crazy. The cops said that she kept on yelling that Andy was hers and shit."


I could hear Andy and Ash argue in the hall. Emma did as much as she could so that I wouldn't hear them but it didn't work. 

"So what happened between you and Andy?" she asked after a while. 

"I saw him kiss some girl outside the mall", I said. 

"He did what?!" Emma yelled. "I'll be back later sis."

After that was she gone. 

A nurse came into the room. "Hello Elizabeth, my name is Helen", she said. 

"Please call me Liz", I said. 

"Okay Liz."

She started to look on some screen that was connected with the thing I had on my finger. I'd seen them on movies but didn't really know what they was there for. 

"When will I be out of here?" I asked.

"Maybe next week if everything goes as it should", she said. 

"A week? I can't stay for that long, I have to go back on tour", I said. 

"Haven't dr. Hansen talked to you?" she asked. 

"No", I said and shook my head. 

"Oh well you won't be able to go back on tour for a couple of months. You have two broken ribs and had an inner bleeding. That takes time to heal", she said. 

I was left alone in the room with the pain and my thoughts. Helen gave me painkillers for the pain the wounds gave me, but that was nothing like the pain in my heart. There was nothing that could take that away.

I thought about everything. My parents, my life, Andy. I was so mad at him but I did still love him. It was hard not to. But he did kiss her, that wouldn't change. I wound't let him break my heart anymore times. I hadn't felt like this since my parents died. Not even when Andy left the first time. I guess it was just too much this time. 

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