We all went to Sammi's house after school. She lived in a house that looked almost like Ella's and wasn't so far away. The guys immediately started playing video games.
"Nerds", Sammi muttered. "So how do you like it here in America Liz?"
"It's not that bad", I said.
To be honest, I hated it. I hated everyones looks, everyones comments. Especially the ones I got from Ella. She really hated to have me here. The only time she talked to me was when she yelled on me over something I'd done.
I wanted to go home. Home to Sweden back when everything was like it used to be.
I ended my thoughts. If I continued to think about all that would I only start to think about what had happened to my parents and I didn't want to think about that. I just wanted to forget about everything. Forget that they ever existed.
"Do you want a coke?" Sammi asked and walked over to the kitchen.
"Sure", I said and followed her.
"So what's up between you and Andy?" she asked.
"What do you mean?"
"Oh come on, everyone sees how you two look at each other. You like him and he likes you."
I didn't know what to answer. Did he really like me? I was crazy about him but was it really that obvious?
"I gonna go out for a while, I'll be back soon", I said and walked towards the door.
I needed a smoke. I didn't want Sammi and the guys to see me so I walked around on the street for a while.
I saw Andy sitting on the stairs to the house when I came back, holding a cigarette in his hand.
"Hey where have you been?" he asked and smiled when he saw me.
"I just walked around, doing illegal stuff", I said and waved with the cigarette in my hand.
"Well then we're two", he grinned.
"Who won on the video games?" I asked and sat down next to him.
"Not me. I left before it was finished", he said.
We didn't say anything. Just sat there and looked on each other. I saw that he looked on the scar I had next to my mouth. It was so ugly, I really hated it. It looked like one of those scars you painted on your face for halloween when you wanted to look like Frankenstein or something.
"How did you get that?" he asked and stroked with his thumb over the scar.
"I ran with a knife when I was little", I lied.
"Clumsy", he chuckled.
He kept on stroking with his thumb over the scar. Then he put his hand on my cheek and kissed me! My heart started to beat so fast! At first I was too schooled to do anything but then I kissed him back.
I heard someone cough behind us.
"Can you guys go and buy pizza?" Sammi asked.
"Uhm sure", Andy said.
She walked back inside, laughing. Andy and I walked to his car without saying anything. He drove to the mall where we had eaten pizza the day before.
"The same pizza place?" I asked when we walked towards the mall.
"It's Jake's favorite", he smiled.
We ordered the pizzas. We didn't say a word to each other. I couldn't stop think about that kiss. How his lips felt against mine. I wanted more.
We payed for the pizzas and then went back to Sammi's house. It was sort of an awkward silence in the car until Andy took my hand. I couldn't help but smile. After that was it still quiet but not awkward anymore. Before we got out of the car, Andy kissed me again. I put my arms around his neck and kissed back. After a while he broke the kiss. I bit my lip and gave him a disappointed look.