3 years later
The crowd screamed "Tell The Night!" over and over again, waiting for us to run out on the stage and start the concert.
"Let's do this!" JJ said with the drumsticks in his hands and ran out on the stage.
Seth, Matt and Joanna ran after him. The fans started to scream louder and the music started to play. I grabbed my microphone and ran out on the stage. The fans went bananas when they saw me and screamed even louder.
I started to sing right away. All the fans sang with me and happiness filled all of me. Nothing in the world was better than this. Standing on a stage with everyones eyes on me and sing with hundreds of people.
Okay, I'm going to give you some information. I was devastated when Andy left of tour but that was only my fault. I was the one who refused to talk to him. Sammi told me just a short time after he'd left that she was moving to California with the guys. She wanted to promote her dream to be a photographer.
I started to think, what was my dream? I realized quickly that I wanted to be on stage. That was when I med JJ. His real name was James Jones but everyone called him JJ. We started the band called Tell The Night and then Seth, Matt and Joanna joined us.
JJ and I dated for a while but then decided that it was best for the band to just end that and stay friends.
We now had a debut album out and a pretty big fan base. We was on your for two months and traveled across the country. It was so cool!
My life was just like I wanted it to be. I got to do what I loved everyday and live my dream.
"We're going to finish this show with this last song. Here's Suspension", I said and starter so sing. "Strange hands taking my wrist again
Somehow I'm still alone
Voices shaking my steps again
I follow
I'm a little bit on the edge
Holed up and out of reach
I can't hear much of what you said
Come for me
Don't let me tumble away
Into the throws of the shadowy bay
I clung to the rock
And it's crumbling off
Toss me a heavy rope
It's a slippery slope
Come bail me out of this God forsaken precipice
Come bail me out of this God forsaken precipice
Turned up in this old place again
Can't seem to get away
Take we back to my element
I'm afraid
Don't let me tumble away
Into the throws of the shadowy bay
I cling to the rock
And it's crumbling off
Toss me a heavy rope
It's a slippery slope
Come bail me out of this God forsaken precipice
Come bail me out of this God forsaken precipice
Oh I'm not a lost cause
I'm just stuck in this spot
And I'm close to falling off
So toss me a heavy rope
It's a slippery slope
Come bail me out of this God forsaken precipice
Come bail me out of this God forsaken precipice
Don't let me tumble away
Into the throws of the shadowy bay
I cling to the rock
And it's crumbling off
Toss me a heavy rope
It's a slippery slope
Come bail me out of this God forsaken precipice
Come bail me out of this God forsaken precipice
Come bail me out of this God forsaken precipice
Come bail me out of this God forsaken precipice"
We went off the stage after that song
"Best concert ever!" Matt said.
"Yeah it was the perfect end of the tour", Joanna said.
"Well it's not really finished yet", our tour manager Chris said.
"What do you mean?" I asked
I thought that New York was the last place of the tour and that we would go back to Ohio now.
"A manager from some band, don't remember the name, called and wants you on their tour", Chris said. "You start tomorrow, back in Cincinnati."
"How long is the tour?" JJ asked.
"Seven months", Chris said.
"That long?" I asked.
"Yes, but let's talk more about this when you guys is back on the bus. Signing time!" Chris said and started to push me towards the door.
I quickly grabbed a pen that laid on a table and went outside. A lot of fans was there and waited to talk to us and get things signed. It was a fence that stopped them from running to us.
I walked over to five girls that stood by the fence with a converse in their hands.
"OMG hi!" one of them said. "You guys were so good tonight! I love you!"
"Thanks", I chuckled. "I guess that you want me to sign your shoes?"
"Yes please!" another of them said and smiled a huge smile.
The signing kept on for almost two hours. I was so tired when we finally came back to the bus. Time to go home to Cincinnati.