Chapter 13: i love you?

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I woke up in my hotel room, the bright lights from the open window blinded me for a few seconds.

I tried to stretch but I felt a hard wall behind me. Then I remembered that my bed was in the middle of the room.

I turn around and I see Mario's cute face sleepily looking at me.

"Wake up sleepyhead" I was really close to him and inches away from his lips. I wanted to kiss him so much but I think it was really weird if I did cause he's sleeping.

"I don't want to"

"Come on we are going to go walk around Cali"

"Ugh why can't we just ride a uber or something"

Did he really just say uber. I can not go in a uber it's really weird and I'm kinda scared cause I watch creepy stories about ubers on YouTube. What I get bored.

"If you want to but it's not going to be my fault if we get kidnap or something like that by an uber"


"Y E S have you seen the creepy uber stories on YouTube, I have and it's creepy"

"They won't do that and they don't even talk to you if you start the conversation first"

"Ugh but we have to talk about the uber with the rest of the group"

"But babe"

"Don't babe me now get up you butthead"

" you"

Did he really just say "I love you" come on Lexi tell him you love him too. He makes me happy and he's the joy in my life.

"I love you too"
I ran up to him putting my legs around his waist.

It took us a good 30 minutes to change and go down the lobby where every one was at.

"Heyy guys and who are these girls"
I asked all the boy they looked at me with a are you kidding look.

"These beautiful ladies are our girlfriends"  Jovani and Julian said at the same time. Weird right that only happens in movies.

"They came in last night and surprised us" Geo told me while putting his arm around his girl. She looked the same age as me but I didn't judge what age you dated a guy it's love right?

"I'm Alexa and I'm Geo's also I'm 13" she had pretty brown hair and it went down her shoulder but passed it a little.

"Im Kaylee and Jovani is my boyfriend"
She had pretty blonde hair and was the same age as Jovani.

"And I'm Savannah but you can call me Sav and I'm Julian's girl" she looked him in the eyes. They were so adorable.

"Well guys I didn't know you guys were lady magnets" I said with a little laugh but tired to hold it in.

"What's so funny we are and we respect our girls"

"Oh guys I want to know if we can take a uber or not"

Hating or Falling for him// Hunter Rowland and Mario Selman Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now