Chapter 24: Why?!

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Lexi's POV

I ran away and out of the mall as fast as I could. I didn't look back, I ignored everything around me, I fought back the tears that formed in my eyes, and I tried to fight back the urge to just scream.

As I was running I didn't know how far I went until I see Hills Park.(just a random park name I made up. I dont know if it actually exists in Arizona...)

I sit down on the highest hill and I just think of me and Mario's memories.

I remember the time Mario asked me out. It was in California, on tour. I was walking in the Flower Garden Park that was near our hotel.

I made a flower crown out of the flowers there and it blew away from the wind. I didn't see where it went because my hair flew in my face. I was looking around and I saw Mario wearing it as he was walking towards me.

At the time me and Mario were just friends. Then he puts my crown back onto my head and he tells me that he liked me, so he asks me out...

I was thinking about that time until I hear a throat clear from behind me.

"Sorry, I was ju-" I was about to say and I turn around to see Mario on the bench.

"Why are you here?" I ask as I started to get up from the ground.

"I just came to see something beautiful." He said.

"Yeah, the sunset is beautiful." I said and then started to walk away.

"I meant you." He said as he grabs my wrist.

"Mario, we're done. You stopped it so that's how it is now." I snapped as I pulled my wrist away.

I started to run.. again.. away from my problems. I didn't see where I was going and the next thing I know Mario is shouting my name..


I landed on the road and I rolled around, scraping my arms and legs in to process of trying to stop. Then I blackout...

Livi's POV

It's been about 2 months already and she won't wake up. A car crashed into her while she was running.

Running from Mario to be exact. He told me the story of why he broke up with her.

His parents thought that she was a bad influence on him because she did these crazy stunts and crazy dares. I do it too but Hunter's family loves me.

Mario's mom is too overprotective, she won't let Mario do anything without her making sure it's safe enough.(Just saying this right now, I really have nothing against her it was just for the book.)

I was watching World War Z right now because it's Lexi's favorite movie that she used to watch all the time.

" guys peddle like hell..." The guy in the car said.

Hey, I don't remember his name. Don't judge me for not knowing a random person's name.

I hear a weird moaning sound coming from beside me. I look at Lexi to see her mouth moving to make another moan.

"SHES A WALKER!" I screamed as I jump up from the chair and run to the other side of the room.

Brandon came running into the room.

"I HEARD SCREAMS!" He shouted as he stood in front of me.

"LEXI IS A WALKER BRANDON!!" I shouted as I jump on his back and and wrap my legs around his torso.

"Oh shut up Olivia I'm not a damned walker... Yet." Walker Lexi groaned out.

"Wait... Walkers don't talk... Never mind Brando, she's only awake." I said casually as I get off his back.

Hating or Falling for him// Hunter Rowland and Mario Selman Fanfiction Where stories live. Discover now