Chapter 19

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Chapter 19


So yeah, sorry for all the song lyrics but they kinda express emotion and stuff… so yeah


Vote, comment and fan! 


I had deja vou when I wrong the first line and a bit... I’m freaked out XD


Video on the side of drunken Niall singing Little Things… This just goes perfect with the storyJ


This is probably the only update until tomorrow night. Sorry but it’s my uncle’s party and im going away over night with no internet. I thought I was going last night but nope J so at least you get one update! Even though I’m leaving you with a killer of a cliff hanger!



Harry’s POV




I honestly didn’t know why but I couldn’t get Niall off my mind, again.  But this time it was different, I was curious rather than upset.

I needed a drink. Extremely bad.

I knew that it was a bit early, it was only like 6m but I couldn’t get him off my mind. It was killing me.

I threw on a white suit shirt with a black tie, black dress pants and my white Supras. I sprayed myself with cologne and styled my hair into a quiff. I grabbed my car keys and locked my apartment, running down the stairs and out into the cool summer air.

I drove a down a few streets until I was on the edge of London and pulled up at the first pub I came to. The Stag. I’d never been here before but I didn’t really care, they served alcohol and that was good enough for me.

I walked through the door and ordered a pint, sitting at the back of the pub drowning my sorrows in the cool drink.

“My name is Niall Horan and I’m going to be preforming a few songs for you guys”

I was sure that my mind was playing tricks on me. Thinking that Niall was here, it must just been a fragment of my imagination. But at the same time I was sure that it was real. It was fate. I don’t see why we kept ending up at the same place, but I wasn’t complaining. Even though I was supposed to hate him, I couldn’t help but get a swarm of butterflies in my stomach every time I heard his name. I sounded like a teenage girl with her first crush…

The strumming of a guitar started and I’d recognise that Irish angelic voice anywhere. I was right, it was Niall. He sounded a little bit drunk, but still just as perfect.

“Your hand fits in mine like it's made just for me

But bear this in mind, it was meant to be

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