(Magi) Morgiana x Reader (O-S)

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From my favorite anime and female character... Morgiana!

I hope you all enjoy this chapter~!


*(Y/N) PoV*

Working at a brothel was definitely not the imagined job for a woman.

I'm not sure when I started working here.

One day when living on the streets in the slums, a woman approached me saying they were low on occupants and needed more attractive women.

I suppose I was one of those 'lucky' women.

It is better than before though.

I don't have to sit on the streets begging for coin and be denied and abused by nobles.

I still do horribly shameful things though... Likely much worse.

Selling my body for money.

It's... Horrible.

But luckily there are rules. You aren't technically allowed to abuse one of the women.

Yet sadly... Most horrible and degrading acts are allowed.

I sigh, preparing myself for yet another day of torture.

I put on my most seductive and believable smile as the sun sets.

Men quickly file in afterwards.

It just isn't everyday that you see a small boy no older than 10 come in... With a breast fetish.

He was with a bit older of a boy, blonde headed boy with a red rope around his neck.

I was sent to cater and serve all of his needs.

I sit next to the boy on the soft plush couch.

"Hello, handsome. Am I worthy of asking your name, sir?"

On the inside, I'm simply gagging.

"I-I-It's... Alibaba."
He stutters nervously, his head dipped down and an obvious blush.

He can't seem to talk to girls well, can he?

But no matter, he's likely similar to all of the other men I've run into, a pure pervert.

But no matter, it's not particularly like I want to be he-

A loud feminine voice booms through the pleasure palace.

The blonde boy, named Alibaba's eyes widen at the sight of a girl ripping open the blankets covering the open doorway.

She had dark magenta hair and eyes that matched.

Is she... A fanalis?!

I've heard of the stories, but had never seen one in person.

My (E/C) eyes sparkle in wonder and curiosity.

She stomps over to us, leaving a dent in the ground every step she took.

The blonde headed boy looked completely mortified.

Once she reaches us, she's panting as if she'd run from Kou to Sindria.

A dark aura surrounded her as she glares down at Alibaba.

I greet timidly, the sparkle still reaching my (E/C) orbs.

She turns her head to me, confusion written on her face.

She hums in acknowledgement.

Out of the corner of my eye, I can see Alibaba sneaking away.

I ignore it though and let myself sink in her scarlet oceans.

She's... Beautiful.

So unique.

Everything seems to just stop around us.

"I... I'm (Y/N)... You are?"
I shyly introduce myself, ignoring the fact Alibaba and the unknown blue headed boy were long gone.


I had never realize that short introduction would lead to such a huge adventure... And relationship.


Sorry, it's not much of a one-shot, but ya' know x)

I hope all of my lovely readers enjoyed this chapter~!

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