(When They Cry) Rena x Reader (O-S)

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A request for: fatema-chan

Whenever someone likes/comments on this book I get a notification say 'Yuri One-shots—' and immediately my brain processes 'Yuri On Ice' and I just can't even fam.

I've seen some play throughs on the game version and it looks adorable xD

I haven't seen any of the anime but it looks good ^-^

The art style of the game is kind of funny, their hands are like balls with thick sausages and most of them don't have noses lololol I love it so much x)

At least it's unique :3

But this will be really short but I hope it like it anyway!

*(Y/N)'s pov*

I was part of the club with Mion, Rena, Keiichi and the others.

We were going to play a game today!

I was so excited, we apparently are playing 'Zombie Tag'.

I remember playing that game as a child and enjoyed it so much, it's great to be able to play it again. (I used to love that game, but I don't think we called it zombie tag??? :0)

"Ready... set... go!"
Mion starts.

We all run away, trying to find places to hide and avoid being seen.

Rena was it this time.

I hid behind some bushes.

I slightly giggle as I hear Keiichi shout and groan as he's caught.

I cover my mouth to avoid making too much noise.

I peak from behind the leaves, scanning my eyes over my surroundings.

I didn't see anyone, not yet at least.

I wonder where everyone hid?

I know Rena and Keiichi are zombies, did anyone else get caught?

I start to look around and wonder if I should find a more secluded and hidden spot.

I hear rustling in leaves near me and stiffen.

I felt arms rap around my torso,
"Ooh, I caught an adorable (Y/N)!"


Lololol I feel bad, I can't think any great ideas for one shots and stuff yet I suck at lemons and smut xD as you can see I haven't done any yet, but I still have some.

I get embarrassed when I have to publish them xD I have drafts that have the one shot parts finished but I haven't written the smut yet... idk how to start it, can I just jump right in? Is that okay to do?

I don't even know any more fam O.o but oh well, the books going good anyway xD

(Idk if I've said it before but I love you guys, you're all awesome! ^-^ <3)

Song: Candy
By: S3RL ft Sara

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