Tagged + Book Update Info

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Ik I haven't updated in a while, I'm pretty unmotivated, unfortunately ;-; school has been a pain.

(Imma just use this tagged chapter to just say some stuff too lol) But I'll tell u guys what, I think I'm going to include a new rule in my requests that requires y'all to include a sorta plot (does that make since???). I think it would really help me make the one-shots/lemons! :D

(Lemme give y'all an example lol)
Ex: "Could u do a one-shot for [character] from [anime] and could the sort of plot it follows would be the reader and [character] met in class one day and they disliked each other at first, but started to fall in love?" (This isn't a real request btw, this is just something I made up on the top of my head xD)

I think I'm going to do any one-shots/lemons that have a plot requested with it before I do the ones that have no plot. Sorry if this is asking too much, it's just getting a little overwhelmed!

So basically, is you send a request with a plot attached with it, I'll probably do yours first! Thanks!!!

ALRIGHT!!! Now we'll get onto the actual tagged part lol xD y'all are about to learn some new things about me.

Mention who tagged you:
Ten facts about me:

1. I'm 5 ft 1in tall (about 155 cm).

2. I currently weigh 93 lbs (about 42 kg)

3. I'm in high school.

4. My favorite food is vanilla or strawberry macarons.

5. I have bright blue eyes.

6. I'm an A+ student, except for my math classes... usually around a C+...

7. I plan to go to school for gynecology.

8. I really like watching YouTube and my fav YouTubers are Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, Liza Koshy, and WildSpartanz.

9. I used to be a ballerina and a cheerleader for many years and was super flexible but now I can't even do a split lol.

10. My current fav animes are My Hero Academia, One Punch Man, Little Witch Academia, and Seven Deadly Sins (If u haven't watched some of these I really recommend them!)

^^^Sorry I was having trouble figuring out some random facts y'all may not know about me lol
Tell a joke:
(This isn't a joke, it's actually a pickup line but it's still funny cuz it's so bad xD) "Are u a banana? Cuz I find you apPEELING" :D:D:D (Ik it's awful lol)
State a spoiler for one of your stories:
-I'm still around and want to edit this book, but was originally feeling like my writing was going bad, I now think I've got it back up to par, but now I have no creativity :))) if u request plz include plot to help plz thank u
Tag 28 people: (that's a lot of people woah. Also I'm sorry, I'm kinda just tagging random people, so if u didn't want to be tagged I'm sorry, just ignore this lol)

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