(Diabolik Lovers) Yui x Reader (L)🍋

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A request for @maqui_alexxxxx

I'm so sorry that this took so long!

And now I feel even worse because the smut totally sucks ;-;

Regardless, I hope you enjoy anyway!

⚠⚠⚠ WARNING ⚠⚠⚠

*(Y/N)'s Pov*

I sat in my large queen sized bed, exhausted and worn.

I hated being a sacrificial bride (Am I the only one who chants sacrifice when I hear that?). Im not even a bride at all, I was a blood bag.

Every single day and night, I was sucked dry. Every corner I turned one of the vampire boys would be there.

I luckily wasn't the only Sacrificial Bride in the mansion.

There was a girl named Yui Komori.

She was short with bleach blonde hair and pink eyes.

I'm confused as to why they would send her here. She was dainty and small, she seemed like she'd break if you just touched her wrong. She seemed shelter as well, the most inappropriate things went right over her head.

I sighed and sat up in my bed, running a hand through my hair.

A knock was heard.

My eyes immediately flicked to the door.

My breathing became heavy as I waited for one of the vampires to burst through the door demanding my blood.

Instead, a soft voice could be heard,
"(Y/N)-chan? It's Yui. May I come in?"

I gulped hard, responding with a quiet yes.

She came in and quickly closed the door behind her.

"Um... (Y/N)-chan? May I talk to you about something?"
She fiddled with her hands.

I raised an eyebrow,
"What's wrong? Did one of the guys do something to you?"

She didn't respond for a moment, nothing but eerie silenced filled the air.

"I-um... I just wanted to say..."
Her fingers firmly grip the end of her skirt and she bows tensely.

"I have feelings for you, (Y/N)-chan!"

My eyes widened at the girl still bowing, making no move to change her position.

My fingers balled up the sheets and I felt my cheeks becoming warm.

"Um... Thank you, Yui-chan... I-"
My voice became stuck in my throat.

She looked up at me with wide pink eyes, begging for a response.

"I... I like you too, Yui-chan."
I turn my gaze away embarrassed.

I heard her inhale and then a body collide with mine.

I fall back onto the bed, Yui's arms wrapped tightly around me. (*Cough* totally not out of character ('0_0)

My eyes widened as I look up at her, her cheeks even pinker than her eyes as she snuggles her head into my chest. (NOPE, not at all xD)

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