(Tokyo Ghoul) Rize x Reader (O-S)

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Tokyo Ghoul is such and amazing anime, it deserves an applause~!

It's art style is quite the sight for sore eyes, and it had such a unique plot.

(Also: ghouls are hot xD)

Sorry, my weird opinion on it ;P

I hope you enjoy~!


*(Y/N) PoV*

It was dark.
Very dark.

Midnight likely.

The only light that guided me was the moon and the flickering street lamp.

I had been going home from a small get together with family/friends (either one x3).

I ended up staying a tad-bit later than anticipated, I lost track of time as it flew by.

The night was creepy...

It's almost like the darkness itself was stalking you.

But I felt like there was just a bit more to it than that.

There was something stalking me.

Maybe it's just my imagination, maybe I'm just overthinking it.

But something in the back of my mind nags at that, refusing to believe it and keeping my brain on high alert.

We've all heard the stories of the monsters and beasts, we'd hear them in myths from our parents to try and get us to eat our greens or go to bed.

And some of us... Have seen them first handed, but most never live to tell the tale.

The murders have been becoming increasingly worrisome.

And for me, myself, and I... I do worry.

I'm scared.

And that thought was triggered as the sight out of the corner of my eye.

The dull light that existed so lightly, you could easily miss it.

But I didn't. I didn't let the shadow that swiftly passed by slip my notice.

The adrenaline gushed though my veins and my heart started pumping faster.

I begin to walk faster to avoid being caught by my predator.

But sadly, it seems my luck has dried itself out into a drought.

I was slammed into a nearby wall, my head hitting the old dull brick with what was metaphorically a crack.

Or maybe not. I feel a cold liquid drip down my neck. Blood.

But I wasn't focused on the fact I likely cracked my skull, but instead in my attacker.

My heart felt like it was going to beat out of my chest.

My eyes focus on a pair of glowing red orbs.

My breathing was coming out ragged, or maybe I wasn't breathing at all.

It may have just been from the loss of blood, or the fact I hit my head full force, but I felt horrible light headed and black dots were enveloping my vision.

A woman was staring back at me.

If you could call her that.

She looked like a woman. Beautiful, too. Purple locks and a curvaceous body, and not to mention well dressed.

But the way her eyes stared at me... She was not human. She was a type of beast. The way her eyes stalked me with unrelenting hunger. Like a predator sizing their prey.

I am horrified. I really am.

Is this where I end? Is this where I-

My thoughts were cut to a halt as soft lips locked on to mine.

My eyes widened more, if that was even possible.

Is she... Kissing me?!

I didn't know how to respond. No. I can't. My body won't move.

She draws back, staring at me deeply, just before her head dips down to my neck.

I don't know what I was expecting her to do.

But definitely not what she did.

She sunk her teeth into the flesh of my neck, ripping the skin and sinking to the muscle, possibly even the bone.

I felt nothing but burning.
It burned.
It hurt!

The black dots from earlier were coming back, larger this time.

I welcomed the darkness, I could no longer handle the pain.

"Don't worry, (Y/N)... I'm here for you."


It was actually hard describing the reader passing out xD I've never fainted before.

I hope this chapter was okay :P
I think I could've done better, but oh well.

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