(Diabolik Lovers) Yui x Reader (O-S)

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A request by yummyfood236

I hope you like it Reader-chan :3



*(Y/N) PoV*

I was what was known as an 'eve', but I wasn't the only one.

A girl named Yui was cursed with this title as well.

Though I don't always seem to be getting the rough end, unlike her.

She seems to take the momentum, no matter.

I feel bad for her, we are decent friends, we speak and are able to relate to each other due to our current circumstances.

Though when I put some thought into it, I never knew her before we both wound up in this mansion of hell.

We don't talk of our pasts, it seems almost not needed. Like we are just here... Here to be nothing but livestock.

Give up our lives and futures for nothing but agony and pain...

My thoughts seem to be cut short by what sounded like a feminine whimper.

Loud and echoing through the hallways.

I turn a corner to see a certain fedora freak sinking his fangs into Yui's neck.

She sat silently in pain, occasionally sounds of pain would slip, but she just... Surrendered.

Gave in.

Her clenched eyes slowly open, meeting my (E/C) orbs in a surprised stare.

I couldn't watch anymore. I can't stand here as a pawn, allowing her to be defiled.

I did the first thing that came to mind, I ran up to him and pushed him off. Yui hissed in pain, putting her hand to her neck to stop the blood steadily trailing out.

Laito looked completely shocked and taken aback at first, but slowly his signature smirk came back.

"You want to play a game, huh?"

How his smile disgusted me, his blood stained teeth vibrant in the night as the moon reflects them.

I firmly grabbed Yui's hand and sprint down the corridor, wanting to make it to any form of safety.

"Come on, Bitch-chans! Don't be that way~"
His playful voice emitted from in front of me.

I let out a 'tsk' and ran the other way.

Yet again and again... He would find us...

"(Y-Y/N)... He has teleportation..."
Yui mumbled fearfully from behind me.

Those words registered and explained everything, sometimes I forget he's a mythical being.

I slam open the door closest to us, an empty bedroom sitting.

It didn't seem to be anyone of vampires, so that's a good sign.

I quickly shut ourselves in and kick the door.

So what if he has teleportation? It will at least take some time for him to go through each room.

I just hope he can't smell Yui's blood from here...

Oh, her neck!!!

I can't believe I got so absorbed in running that I forgot!

I look around for a cloth, spotting the bed spread, I decide to improvise.

I rip it with my teeth and sit Yui softly into the bed.

I crouch to eye level with her and make her take her hand off.

Two holes are drilled into her neck, blood leaking down and smudged where her hand was.

I fold the cloth and put pressure onto the wound.

Blood still seeped through, no matter.

I look up, hearing a gulp from in front of me.

I came eye to eye with alluring pink orbs.

I couldn't seem to look away. (Cliche xD)

She mutters my name quietly.

We sat there for moments, just... Staring.

That was until I felt something soft press against my lips.

I couldn't believe it... I would never think Yui Komori would be kissing me.

I allow myself to melt into the kiss, my eyes drooping close.

It's as if we were meant to fit together, it was amazing.

We quickly broke apart at the sound of clapping.

We both turn to see Laito clapping his hands, a triumphant smirk on his face.

"Nice... A beautiful show just for me!"


I was thinking of a way to end it and was like... Why not!

I hope it was alright x)

Sorry if there were any spelling mistakes O.o

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