(Bleach) Rukia x Reader (O-S)

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Sorry if this may not be very accurate x( I haven't watched Bleach in years... But Hollows...

They existed in my nightmares xD

Luckily I'm grown now, and can handle horrifying things quite well.

But I hope you all enjoy though~!


*(Y/N) PoV*

I sat on a bench in the park silently.

Nothing but the rain patting onto the ground could be heard.

The darkness enveloped everything.

I held a bouquet in my hands, staring down at the colorful flowers become soaked and soiled from the heavy water on their petals.

I could no longer tell if it was the rain or tears streaming down my face.

I was mourning over a close family members death, my uncles.

We were very close and got along well. He was a happy-go-lucky man. (Sorry if this is wrong for you :P)

Well, that was until he came down with cancer.

He fought it with all of his might, but sadly the infection seemed to have the upper hand.

He lost his life soon after.

It's been quite a while since his death, but something just made the mourning return. It was as if his soul passed through me.

I barely had noticed the tall figure that has loomed over me as I continued to pity myself.

My head tipped up, my eyes wide at the sight before me.

"What... The... Hell?!"
I scream at the top of my lungs.

A very tall person- no... Not person. This thing is not a person.

It had to have been at least double my height if not more, it looked as if it was wearing a long black cloak with silver spikes and a mask with a long nose. (Faceless from Spirited Away ;D)

But the thing that caught my eye was the fact I could see right though the middle of it.

A large round hole was right in its midsection.

It's eyes reminded me a pits, soulless with no heart.

It made what was similar to a screeching noise, sending my mind on alarm.

I took it as the best chance I'll get.

I ran.
As fast as I could.

I knew I stood a small chance... But...

"Help me! Help me! Please... Someone help me...!"
I shouted, I truly needed it.

The beast screeched again, but it was different from before, as if it was in pain.

I halted my running and looked behind me.

It's head had been slashed in two.

A woman was hovering in the air.
She had short black hair and was wearing something similar to what a traditional Japanese priest used to wear, but much darker in color... She was gripping onto a katana, an obvious hint to the fact she must've been the one to attack the weird monster.

The beast seemed to evaporate into thin air.

The woman landed gracefully onto the ground.

I stay rooted to the spot, still not totally processing what happened.

She walks up to me, putting her hand on my shoulder and asking,
"Are you okay?"

I gulp, then releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"I... I'm fine... Thanks to you, of course."

I let a small smile grace my face as I raise my now heavy arms around her shoulders.

"Th... Thank you so much!"

Without her I may have lost my life.

She stutters, placing her other hand on my absent shoulder, trying to push me off with a red face.

No matter, I truly am grateful to my unknown heroine.


Okie dokie, I think I did... Decent(ish) on this chapter :3

I hope you all enjoyed~!

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