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The dancer begin to dance the lily dance.

I watch her and sigh

"Is something wrong?" She ask me.

I shook my head no "Its just that I'm getting marry to Juvia"

"Is it so wrong" she ask while dancing.

"Its not wrong. I just I want to marry someone else" I said.

She chuckle and kept quiet.

"You're dancing alone. That makes this dance even more tragic" I said.

She said nothing and dance. I walk to her and stop her by grabbing her hand "I want to marry you. Don't you feel the same?"

She pull her hand away from my grip and walk away "I can't. Besides I heard lord Igneel doesn't want me to marry you"

Igneel? "What? Why?-no how do you know?"

"Its the same with everyone after all" she said "Its the same result. I am-" she stopped and sigh "I have prepared a special dance for you Natsu. Would you like to see?"

I let go of her and step back but I hug her quickly not wanting to let go "will I still see you"

She did not respond but hug me back "No Natsu I can't do this. Natsu please run away with me. We can run away to a place with just us two...In short chose me or Juvia"

I hold her tighter afraid she will push me away with my answer "Juvia. I already told her I'm going to marry her"

Instead of pushing me away she hold me tighter too. "I see..." She whisper "Well I must go before Juvia comes and see me"

"No stay. I want to introduce you two"

That's when she push me away "I don't want to see her. Natsu I must go. Please"

"So we won't be seeing each other after this..." I let go of her and pull her to my bedroom "here" I gave her the doll Juvia taught me to make "for you. As a present of our...farewell"

"Natsu..." She took the doll and ran off.

"Wait!" I chase after her but stop realizing that its pointless. "Good bye"

I sit down for dinner and ate quietly.

"Natsu San!" Juvia ran towards me "I bought you something here!" She handed me a red heart hair clip.

"Uh....thanks? Its really cute !"

She put it on me and laugh "Natsu San is the cutest!"

Juvia POV

"Zeref! Did you buy Natsu a gift?" I ask.

"Well of course yes." He handed me a red heart hair clip and I just froze "For Natsu?"

"Yes" he said "It would make him look cute"

I imagine natsu with it on and laugh "Yes it would"


"So...Zeref picked out the gift right?" Ask natsu while we eat our dinner

I choke on my food and grab the cup of water drinking it. "W-why?! Why would you say something like that? I picked it out for you Natsu San!"

"Wow!" Exclaim igneel walking in and sitting down "What a cute image youve got there Natsu!"

"Shut up!" Blush Natsu.

Once dinner is over Natsu walk with me to the Garden.

Natsu POV

"Do you love me?" Juvia ask me.

Dying flower (Navia NatsuxJuvia)Where stories live. Discover now