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The little girl look at her new sister. She didn't know what to say.

"Like her?" Smirked the devil.

The little girl stay quiet. "I'll take her away if you want"

"W-wait! I want her" said the little girl. "I...."

"Then what are you going to repay me with?"


"We made a deal didn't we? I give you a family member and you have to give me something in return"

The girl look around "what do you want?"

The devil picked up the dead lily "I want this"

"That's all?"


The little girl smile "deal!"

The devil laugh "remember, she is from me. Not the heavens. If the heavens shall ever know then she will perish into ash" and he disappear along with the flower.

"Hi sister" said the sister

"Hi" said Lily amazed.

There is a long paused of silence until Lily introduced herself "I am Lily."

"I am...your sister!"

"How about Juvia?" said Lily.

Juvia smile "sounds good to me!"

The two girls live as a happy family though things were tough. After all they are just kids.

As years pass by,the two became close.

"I want to go to the village" said Juvia.
"Village?..." Lily look down for a moment. Its been a long long time since Lily's been to a village.

"Please?" Begged Juvia.

"Okay....um- tomorrow morning we'll go" said Lily.

The next morning the two left to the village nearby.

"So what's a village like?" Ask juvia.

"Well....there's a lot of people and houses"

"People? Wow! Let's hurry!" Said Juvia and ran off.

"Wait Juvia! Wait for sister!" Shouted Lily and ran after Juvia. Once Juvia reach the village she stopped.

"Don't do that next time" said Lily.

"Sorry. I was just too excited!" Juvia laugh and held onto Lily's hand "let's go sister!"

They both walk through a market a park a water fountain almost everywhere in the village. "Lily look! Its so pretty!" Said Juvia pointing to a necklace.

"Want it little lady? Only for 10 bucks but since its you Ill give you a discount to 7 dollars!" Said the seller. He wink at Juvia while grinning.

"Lily I want it! I want it!" Said Juvia.

Lily bit her lips. She doesn't have money. Living in the woods without having the need to buy anything , she never thought of money.


"Please? Pretty please!"

Lily just froze there. "Lily please!"

"S-sorry Juvia but I didnt bring any...any money"

"But Lily!" Cried Juvia.

"Sorry Juvia..."

Juvia look at the necklace sadly "okay"
"That way! Hurry before it spreads!" Shouted a villager running with others with buckets of waters.

Dying flower (Navia NatsuxJuvia)Where stories live. Discover now