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"Excuse me" said Mavis knocking the door of a house in the middle of no where.

"Natsu! N-no! Don't face this way!" Whisper Gray.

Everyone struggled in the small carriage. "Shut up!" Said Gajeel.

"You shut up and cover your mouth!" Said Levy to Gajeel.

"Everyone calm down!" Said Lucy.

"And who are the two of you?" Ask the mermaid who opened the door.

"Oh great god!" Cry Lyon "I've wondered far and long for this place!"

"Excuse me?" Said the mermaid confused.

Mavis stop Lyon "I'm a fairy" she said.

"A fairy? For real?"

She begin to fly around "yes but without my wings I am limited to how high and far I'm able to fly"

"I'm sorry" said the mermaid "humans did it didn't they. Those filthy creatures. And who are you?" She ask Lyon.

"I'm a mermaid" said Lyon.

"Hmm really? You don't smell like one"

"Well..." Lyon begin to cry "such terrible fate was casted on my mom to be forced onto by another man! Thus I was created and hated humans"

"That's terrible and what's that carriage?"

"Its...our things"

"Come in quickly" said the mermaid and the house turned into a large gate. The gate opened and a castle appear.

"We are almost there so stay calm!" Said Mavis to the others in the carriage.

"Hurry" cry Lucy.

They enter the castle. "Sorry but no visitors. Arthur is busy"

"But-" said Mavis but is cut off by a mermaid "Get out!"

The carriage exploded and everyone came out "I feel much better!" Shouted Natsu.

"Arthur gotta tell him" mumble one of the mermaids and ran off.

"Guards! Everyone!" Shouted the mermaids.

Natsu smirk. He and his group chased after the mermaid. "Stop right there!" Shouted Gajeel and stop the mermaid with his metal hands.

"Nice!" Said Lily.

"This way" said Natsu and then stop "She's-" Natsu went on his knees and hands and begin to smell the ground "she's underground"


"Move" said Lily "creation hole"

The floor then crack open creating a hole.

"Great let's go"

They jump down to see Juvia with Arthur.

"You're not her fiance I'm her fiance" said Natsu.

"Ooh" smirk Arthur "She came to me in the end didn't she?"

"She did not! You kidnapped her!"

"Natsu! Please leave" said Juvia..

"Juvia don't go. Don't do it please"

The door behind them open and Juvia walk in.

Natsu chase after her but arthur stopped him. An ice wall appear but shattered from Grays ice.

"Go natsu!" Shouted Lily and they all begin to attack Arthur making a way for Natsu.

Before the door closed natsu squeezed in. "Whew just in time!"

Dying flower (Navia NatsuxJuvia)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora