Chapter 1

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"Those bitch thought shit was over." I chuckled as I bit into my wrist. I watched as the blood oozed from my wrist, I couldn't help but laugh and cry at the same time. My plan would work this time.

"Kaesy who the hell you talking to?" My roommate questioned. Her ass forever in my business.

"No one." I rolled my eyes. As if she could see me I had my back to her, I don't want her knowing shit with her snitching ass I needed this to look like an accident.

Three years of planning it must work. I had it all thought out, the sequence was so damn perfect this shit had to work.

1. Show progress.

2. Gain trust.

3. Injure myself.

4. Go to the hospital.

5. Escape.

6. Kill Cameron and Kareem.

Once I showed progress I know them silly fuckers would take me out the padded room and put me in a room with someone else. Then I would bite my wrists and make it look like an accident. And they would have no choice but to take me to the hospital since the doctor here on vacation. Then I would ask to go to the bathroom when I get to the hospital and then I would escape. Then I would find the fuckers that killed my baby, I was going to make sure Cameron and Kareem felt the pain I had to go through those past years.

Thinking about the plan made me giggle again. This was so funny I was going to get revenge for Justin.

"Kaesy are you sure you're okay?" I heard her walking over to me. I needed to do something so that my plan doesn't fuck up. Looking in my corner I stared at the lamp that sat helplessly on my night table.

I had two options; 1. Killing her with it or 2. Using it to cover my injury.

Grabbing it up I dropped it on my hand. "Ah! Shit." I cried out.

"Damn, oh my god help!!! Kaesy is bleeding." She screamed. Soon one of the nurses came rushing in.

"What happen?"

"The lamp fell on her hand and its bleeding." My roommate answered covering her mouth.

"Then how did blood get on her lips and over her face?"

"I don't know, I came over and I saw her bleeding and the lap broken on the floor."

"Okay well since it doesn't look bad I will just have a nurse dress it."

Shit! I needed to get the hell out of this asylum and I was going to get out now. I let my eyes roll back as I fell to the ground.

"Someone call the ambulance!" I heard the nurse shouted.

"Someone call the ambulance!" I heard the nurse shouted

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Beep Beep Beep

I listened to the heart rate machine sing as I plotted my next move. Barely opening my eyes I looked to see if I was alone in the room and I was. Lifting the sheets off the bed I stepped down and my feet shivered as soon as they touched the harsh cold floor.

But soon the door knob turned and I had to fly back under the covers.

"Okay, I will keep an eye on her for you." I heard an unfamiliar voice.

"Thank you so much." I heard the nurse that came with me. As I peeked through my eye lids I saw it was indeed the nurse I came with.

"If you don't mind me asking, why is she in a mental asylum."

"They said she took her boyfriend's death to heart, they found her at the crime scene and she was mumbling, she wouldn't talk nor would she move."

"Damn. Over a man?"

"Yeah. Dumb as hell." She shook her head as she flicked her right index finger against the syringe that sat promptly in her left hand between her middle and index finger.

Who is this bitch to say that shit, she doesn't know what real love is. I couldn't help but to mentally roll my eyes, she had the nerve to say shit like that. I watched as they walked out, as soon as the door shut I wasted no time. I hopped out the bed and ran to the bathroom but unfortunately there wasn't a window in there. Running back out I checked if the windows in the room had bars. And to my surprise they had none. Climbing out, I walked on the ledge not looking down. When I got to the edge there wasn't anything for me to jump off on. I had no choice but to jump on the ambulance that was about to pass.

Barely landing on the roof I jumped off it as soon as it came to a halt. The last thing I need is them bringing me back into that hell hole.

I ran across the road straight to the taxi station and hopped into the first cab I saw.

"Please take me away from here."

"Where to?" I could hear his Jamaican accent ring out as he stared at me in the rear view mirror while he pulled out the station.

"I don't know anywhere please, I don't have any money." I rambled on my words, I could feel my heart beat as the adrenaline went at its peak I've dreamt of this day and I didn't think it would ever come.

"What you mean?" The car came to a halt. "No money no ride."

"No! I will do anything for you please, just please take me away from here." I begged as the tears welled up at my eye lids.

"Anything?" He arched his eyebrows.

"Anything." I sighed as I watched him unzipped his pants. 


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