Chapter 2

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Cecilia's P.O.V

I stare at the photo. I wonder how he's doing now. I lost contact with him a long time ago. What would he think of me now. A homeless vandal. He would be so ashamed of me.

As i stare at the photo, the ache in my heart returns. Connor. I miss you so much. Tears slowly roll down my cheek. How did it all go so wrong.

*The next morning*

I wake up suddenly and feel cramp in my hand. Then i realise that I've been clutching the photo so tightly, its a wonder it didn't break. I get up and begin my daily routine.

Get up, paint, eat, paint, sleep, get up, paint, eat, paint, sleep, get up!

Bingo! I've spotted another great spot. There's this large roundabout on the end of a duel carriage way. It has this wall that they were supposed to knock down ages ago. I decide to paint a picture of my brother but with a street art twist. Smirking, i take out a can of spray paint and begin.

*A few hours later*

I'm in the middle of adding detail, i guess it looks okay. I feel so lonely right now. I miss Connor. Sighing sadly i pause for a minute, glancing at Connor's face in the painting. Suddenly i hear a screech, snapping me out of my thoughts. It sounds like a vehicle pulling over. I flee.

After a while i head back to that wall to finish the painting. I don't know who pulled over earlier but i had to flee, they would've caught me otherwise. I put my paint brush away and pull out a can of black spray paint. Time to tag it.

"It's just over here, I'm sure of it."

"Dude you said that five minutes ago."

"It's definetly here,"

Shoot! I hide behind the wall quickly, theres no time to try to flee. Good job I've managed to tag it so quickly. Who are those people. Why is one voice so familiar.

Third person's P.O.V

Four guys stood and stared at the painting. One with brown hair, with blonde on the fringe, two slightly taller guys, one with a blonde quiff, the other with light brown/muddy blonde. The fourth guy, a brown, curly haired shortie. All of them had a look of shock on their faces.
"Do you think a fan did this?" The muddy blonde asked
Another one, the curly haired shortie, spoke, "No, not even the most obsessive fans would go this far, they wouldn't risk being arrested, besides wouldn't they put names, twitter accounts etc?"

"Brad's right, but whoever did this definitely has a fixation with you, Connor," the blonde said, turning to the guy with brunette hair that had blonde on the fringe

There was a sudden gasp from behind the wall, as the small muted homeless girl listened in. She had taken a peep at the four guys, one of them vaguely familiar. Then when she heard her brother's name a gasp escaped her lips.

Cecilia's P.O.V

Did he just say... am i imagining things or did they call that guy wihe the blonde fringe Connor? My brother's name. Why is that guy so familiar. It's got to be a coincidence, it couldn't really be him? Could it?
That's when i suddenly gasp with realisation, that could be my brother!

"What was that?"

"Is someone there?"

Damn it! I hear footsteps, they are coming round to the back of the wall. What do i do? I can't let them find me.

"Leave it Con, lets go, we need to go back to the O2 arena, we need to rest we have a busy day tomorrow."

My heart is pounding as I hear more footsteps, but they're going in the oposite direction. I breath out a sigh of relief. Phew. Could that have really been my brother? Hmm, one of the mentioned they were going back to the O2 arena. Interesting. Maybe I'll head over tomorrow. I have to know if that guy is really my brother.

Planning out the next day, i head to my garage and go to bed.

I wake up with a start...bleurgh! What a horrible sleep. I sit up slowly, my body aching. These aren't the most comfortable places to sleep. Then i remember my plans. I look over at the clock above the door and realise it has gone midday. Not good. I get ready and head out, taking my painting gear with me.

As i reach the O2 arena, i instantly search for the back entrance. Aha! Gotcha! Theres a tour bus parked there. But there is a high metal fence in the way. Hmm, i guess I'll just have to climb over it. I don't see any security. Then i spot them escorting the same guys from yesterday, inside. Aha bingo!

Now there is no one around, i beginnto climb the fence, it's fairly easy. Once I'm on top of it, i check out my surrounds. Good the coast is clear. I head over to the tour bus. I know i shouldn't but i can't resist. I begin to paint the same picture that i have in my pocket, of me and my brother, onto the side of the bus. A little message from me. It takes me about three hours to do and an extra hour and a half, adding detail. Then i go to tag it.


A fist comes into contact with my face and i end up falling to the ground. I look up and see a security guard! He begins to beat me up, "YOU HOOLIGAN! YOU VANDAL! YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS!" He yells at me. I gt to my feet and try to get away but he yanks at my hood, a fistful of hair in his hand, and pulls me back. I land on the ground with a thud. He swings his fist again and i brace myself... this is gonna hurt.


I hear the sound of a punch being delivered but i realise that the security guard's fist didn't hit me! Then who... i open my eyes and see a guy with curly brown hair in front of me. I stare at him in shock. He's doubled over in pain but he turns me. His gorgeous chocolate brown eyes meet mine. "Run!" He says, "Run!"
I nod slowly and run, scrambling over the large fence. I land heavily on my leg but i keep running.

The Mute (Bradley Simpson fanfic) *Editing in progress*Where stories live. Discover now