Chapter 4

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Cecilia's P.O.V

The next day i cautiously approach the O2 arena. I head round the back and see that the tour bus is still there. I see the curly haired guy - i mean Brad, on his skateboard, doing some pretty cool tricks. For a while i watch him. He's pretty good. Then I realise that he's seen me. He beging to walk over. "Hey, look don't go, I'm sorry for harrassing you yesterday. I didn't mean to and I'm sorry for scaring you. I should've left you alone."

I go to apologise but remember that i can't speak. I bite my lip. Brad smiles, "Hey it's okay, it's more my fault that yours. I deserved that punch in the face. Do you want to come i here?"
I nod slowly and he opens the gate. I walk in hesitantly, cautiously looking around for any guards.

Brad's P.O.V
I notice the girl's hesitation so i say, "No one will hurt you. It's okay."
She nods and walks in, i shut the gate behind her.
I offer her my skateboard, "You can have a go," She shakes her head and looks over at the tour bus. "Ah, i see. I'm afraid i can't let you on the bus. The other boys could be roaming around with nothing on. They always do that. I'll go check to be sure though, stay here."
Then i head onto the bus to check on the guys.

Cecilia's P.O.V

I watch Brad head onto the tour bus. I'm guessing that the boys are a famous band, or something. My brother always wanted to perform in big concerts. He did do covers on youtube. Maybe he got recognised and things went from there. Who knows. But is that Connor, their bandmate, my Connor, my brother. Is he?

Connor's P.O.V
I head out of the building, with the guitar pick that i dropped yesterday, after the show. Then i spot the girl again. She's looking around, but her gaze is focused on the tour bus. Why is she here again? She looks around and then leans backwards so that her hands are touching the floor. A crab? Then she moves again so her head and hands are through her legs. She then balances on her hands. My eyes widen, my sister could do that! She was always so flexible. The girl comes out of that position and does a backflip. My sister always used to do that when she came out of that weird position. She turns her head and i see that her left eye is blue and the right eye is green. Just like...

"Cecilia!" I say running over, "Sis!"

Cecilia's P.O.V

I gasp and turn around. Con? My eyes widen in shock. I knew it! The Connor that is Brad's bandmate, is my twin brother! I turn around and see someone i haven't seen for years, running towards me.

I run to him and hug him tight, silently sobbing into his chest. My brother! His arms wrap tightly around me. "I missed you so much!" He cries. I missed you too!

I let go and we stand there staring at each other, both of us overwhelmed. Then he says, "Come on to my tour bus. Yeah i'm in a band, called The Vamps. Anyways come on you can't stay out here, on the streets on your own." I nod slowly and follow him to the tour bus.

A tall fair haired boy comes up to us, "Con? Your back? Who's this? You brought the girl who vandalised our bus and hit Brad, here? Are you crazy?"
I drop my gaze to the floor.
"She was just scared. And her name is Cecilia."

"Well i don't care! You can't just bring any random girl in here!"
Connor steps forwards, "Tristan your wrong. She's not any random girl she's my sister!"

Tristan's eyes widen in shock. He looks at me and then at Connor. He turns to me," No way your twins?!? Cool! Oh sorry about what i said before, " I shrug and look around the room. Cool place. As i look around i spot a deep red electric guitar with a black sunburst design on it, propped up against a wall. Cool guitar. I crouch down next to it and pluck a few strings.

"I wouldn't touch that if i were you. Brad doesn't like people touching his favorite guitar." A voice says i stand up and turn to see... James Mcvey. His eyes widen in shock, "Wolfie - May?" I feel my whole body tense and i glare at him. Connor notices the tension and leads James out of the room. Tristan follows them. i'm all by myself.

I sit down on a chair and look at my surroundings. Then a pair of brown eyes appear in front of my face making me jump. "Oh sorry! Didn't mean to startle you. Whatcha doing on our bus? Kidding, Con's so hyped bout finding you. His long lost twin sister. Cecilia!"
Brad smiles. Then he laughs, "Well if your staying, watch out for James' protein farts, man they are so bad." He laughs hysterically and i can't help but smile. His laugh is so contagious. He sees my smiling and says, "Hey, that's what I like to see, a nice smile!"

I look around and bite my lip awkwardly.

Connor then walks in with Tristan, "okay so we have a spare bunk, Brad will show you where it is. Also since you don't have any other clothes, i'm sure Brad won't mind lending you something to wear for the night - since you're roughly the same size." Brad shrugs and nods, "Okay, come on then Cecilia."

Cautiously i follow him to the back of the tour bus. Several bunks are lined up. Brad stops at one, he taps the top bunk, "This is mine, you can sleep in the spare one, the bottom one." I nod and he then rumages through a suitcase and chucks a tank top and some sweats. "At least i'm not the only one midget sized," he jokes.

I crack a small smile before heading to the bathroom to get changed and to have a thorough wash. Maybe it won't be so bad here.

The Mute (Bradley Simpson fanfic) *Editing in progress*Where stories live. Discover now