Chapter 9

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Cecilia's P.O.V

It's been several weeks since me and Connor found each other again. Can i just say, it's been amazing! Plus technically i have two brothers with me and two really good friends. Though i still can't open up to any of them. The only one i fully trust i Connor. But i do trust James too, but its not in the same way i trust Con. The only thing is, i wish i could speak. So i could chat properly with the others. To laugh with them. To sing. But still, I'm happy here.
Currently I'm sketching a picture of me and the four boys. I've spent quite a while on it. Making sure every detail, even the tinest of details, is correct.

"Hey Celia!"

I jump sharply, a big blue line running through the boys' faces. Argh! This took me ages! That blue pencil isn't going to rub out easily. I turn to the person who startled me. Brad! I glare at him, signing at him in frustration, pencil still in hand. But then remember he won't be able to understand and type quickly on my phone.

Oi! That took me ages! - CC

Brad looks over my shoulder at the drawing. "Wow! That's really good. Sorry for startling you though. I wanted to see if you were busy. I was going to show you something." Slowly i put down my pencil. I look up at him curiously and type again.
Well i could use a break from all of this drawing. - CC

He offers me his hand, which hesitantly i take after putting my sketchbook and pencils in my bag. "Come with me." He says softly. He leads me out of the bus and down a path way. "I was skateboarding around here yesterday. I found something you may be interested in."
Soon I find that we're heading into the woods. Why is he taking me here? After a while we come to a clearing and I look around in pure awe. Wow! It so beautiful. The relaxing sounds of the waterfall and the birds. The waterfall glistens where the light touches it. There are several rock formations scattered beautifully around. One of the rock formations looks like a little den. Brad brings me closer to it and that's when I see several pairs of beady eyes staring at us from inside. My heart pounds as I see a big ball of fur. Wolves! I turn to Brad curiously,  "Wolves are your favorite animal aren't they? I guessed from the drawings."

Quickly I type on my phone,

Yeah! I've always wanted to draw one properly. Those sketches were me guessing. Now I don't have to. Thank you! - CC

Brad smiles, "That's why I brought you here. You almost got your chance before, till I messed it all up. Which I am really sorry for. So I'm making it up to you!"

Brad's P.O.V

Cecilia smiles and sits down near the wolves. I'm so glad it made her happy. When I came across the wolves I instantly thought of her. I've been trying to figure out how to make it up to her. Ever since I found those discarded pages from her sketchbook.

I've just come back onto the tour bus. The boys are all chilling on the sofa. But Cecilia isn't with them. I feel kinda bad. Even though she forgave me I still feel bad about it. But why did she get so upset about the wolf? I could tell how hurt she was when I pulled her away from the wolf.

I head to my bunk only to find scrumpled pieces of paper all over the floor. Okay which of they boys was it this time?  Sighing I begin to pick up the paper. But I notice something odd. On each bit, there's what looks like a paw, an ear or a tail. Slowly I unfold the paper.  There are several attempts at a certain kind of animal. A cat? No not quite the same shape. A dog? Hmm not quite. Then I get it. A wolf! Cecilia must have drew them. But why a wolf? Why are they so important?

I grab all the lose pages and head out to join the boys. When I do, I pull Connor away from the others. He crosses his arms, "what's up?" I show him the drawings and his eyes widen. "Why are wolves so important to Cecilia?"   He sighs, "I know their her favorite animal. She's always been fascinated by them. They aren't easy to draw that's for sure. But she's always loved wolves. They were her favorite thing to draw too."   He heads to his bunk and pulls some thing out of his case. A sketchbook, which looks fairly old. He opens it and shows me the drawings. It's easy to tell they were drawn by someone of a young age.  "I guess she just wants to get a perfect picture. I mean that was the first time she'd ever seen one in real life, when you pulled her away from them. You rarely see them in the wild. It was her one chance to see one in person and draw it."  Until i messed it all up.

*One week later*

I'm skating through the woods that are near where our bus is. It's quite peaceful here. I'm still trying to figure out how to make it up to Cecilia. As i skate past some shrubs, i catch a glimpse of something.  What was that? I stop and look to my left to see a creature run off into the distance. I get off my skateboard and follow it. Soon i come to a clearing. That's when i see it. A wolf settled inside this rock formation. Grinning, i head back to the tour bus, an idea forming in my head. I've got it!

*End of Flashback*

I watch as Cecilia sits down on the ground with her sketchbook. Instantly she begins drawing. I sit beside her and watch for a while. Then i lay back enjoying the warm sun that's beaming down on us.

Cecilia's P.O.V

It's been a few hours and I've finally finished my drawing. It looks awesome!  Glancing over at Brad, i smile. He must've dozed off a while ago. I begin another drawing of the wolves and their cubs. As i'm drawing, one of the cubs leaves it's mother and comes running out, towards us. Then another one follows. And another. They come right up to me and Brad. Then they start climbing on Brad. It's such an adorable picture.  Quickly i turn the page in my sketchbook and do a rough outline of Brad and the cubs. Then i add in the beautiful scenery around us. I look up at Brad and the cubs again. The cubs keep moving around, so it's a good job i did an outline first.

Suddenly i hear a low growl. Turning my head slightly, my eyes widen. The mother wolf has come out of their den. She comes right up to us, looking rather aggressive. But surprisingly she soon calms down when she sees her cubs are in no danger.  I quickly add me and the wolf into the picture. The wolf is sat beside me, calmly watching her cubs as i sketch. After a while the wolf and her cubs wander off. Just as i finish drawing. I've also finished the drawing i started just before this one. Putting down my sketchbook and pencil, I begin cracking my knuckles and stretching the cramp out of my fingers when I notice that Brad is beginning to stir.

He yawns and stretches before smiling at me.

Hey sleepy head - CC

He looks at his phone and grins again. "Did you finish your drawing?"

Actually i got several done, your almost as bad as Con, lazy bones. - CC

Brad laughs as we get up and head back to the bus. Today was just amazing. As i go to bed that night in my bunk, i get out my phone and send a quick message to Brad before my eyes drop and i fall asleep.

Thank you Brad! For today. I really appreciate it. I'll show you the drawings in the morning. Night, have a good sleep - not that you need it. LOL. But thanks again, it meant a lot to me. It was really sweet of you, i bet it got a bit boring for you, but still. You've made me one happy girl, for the first time i'll be able to go to sleep with a smile on my face. And all because of you. I've said it a lot in this message but i'll say it again. Thank you. xx -CC

The Mute (Bradley Simpson fanfic) *Editing in progress*Where stories live. Discover now