Chapter 16

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Cecilia's P.O.V

I'm watching the boys in the recording studio. They look like they're having fun. Whilst they're recording, i'm doing quick sketches of them. Very quick sketches because they just don't keep still. They have such energy. Currently i'm trying to sketch Brad, which isn't easy as he's one of the wildest members. For one moment i look up and instantly lock eyes with him. My eyes widen and i look away quickly, feeling myself blushing as i continue sketching. But my eyes drift towards Brad and linger for a while. When he catches me looking, i quickly avert my eyes back to my drawing but once again they drift back to him. Why him? I mean it's not like i- wait do i? Do i like him? My mind begins to wander. I imagine being in a warm embrace with Brad. Feeling his hands on my waist. My hand through his gorgeous, brown curls. Gazing into his gorgeous eyes. Feeling his soft lips against mine -


I jump with a start. Flustered i quickly slam my sketchbook shut and look up at Con but my eyes drift to the person next to him. Brad. I blush at the thought of my daydream and look away. "We've finished up here. We're gonna grab some lunch, you coming?" Connor says and i nod, smiling, "Sure!" Grabbing my things i follow them out the door.

Brad's P.O.V

Whilst we were recording, i couldn't stop thinking about Cecilia. I just want to hold her. I just want to kiss her.  A few times, i noticed that she was staring at me. But every time i caught her, she looked away blushing. She is so cute. I can't help but smile. My heart beats faster whenever i'm around her. I don't know what's going on with me. It's almost... intoxicating. When she was lying in that hospital bed, unconscious and i thought we might lose her. I realised just how much she means to me. The thought of losing her - i couldn't breath. I don't understand it.

Once we've finished our recording session we head out and join Cecilia. She seems to be lost in thought.

"Hey Celia! Sorry we overran a bit. We're going to grab some lunch now." Connor says going up to her. Hesitantly i join him. Cecilia is not paying attention. Connor says her name again, still nothing. So he tries again but this time louder. She jumps clearly startled. Her sketchbook snaps shut quickly, but i caught a glimpse of what she was drawing. It looked like it was me. But why would she...?  Cecilia looks from Connor to me and instantly blushes and looks away.  "We've finished up here. We're gonna grab some lunch, you coming?" Connor says and she smiles, "Sure." Cecilia gathers her things and joins us as we walk out the door. Did she draw me? Is- is it possible she feels the same way?

Cecilia's P.O.V

A while later, we're all chilling on the tour bus when i pull Connor to one side. "What's up Celia."  I bite my lip, hesitating. There's something else that has been on my mind too. "I -i i think i'm ready to tell the others about what happened..."  His eyes widen, "A-are you sure? You really want to?"  I nod and he sighs but quickly rounds up the others. I sit next to him and take a deep breath. "Con and i...we..we have an older brother. Gary. He was very...he was abusive towards me and Con. Especially me." I feel myself shaking a little, "Con and i used to play guitar and sing together all the time. But only when Gary wasn't around. Whenever he heard us he'd become very violent. Gary's an alcoholic. So whenever he'd come home he'd beat me. I was his punch bag. Even when he wasn't out drinking, he'd attack me randomly.  But one day..."  I find i'm choking on my words and Connor instantly puts his arms round me. He tells me that i don't need to continue but i carry on talking. 

"One day, i was in my room practising my guitar, singing along as well. Connor was downstairs at the time, playing video games. I remember hearing the door slam, but i was too engrossed in the music, that i didn't acknowledge that it was him. The next thing i know he bursts into my room, yelling and swearing at me.  He hit me a few times before flinging me across the room. Gary pinned me to the ground and that's when i saw the knife. I screamed. But it made it worse. He began by slashing my throat. But then forced my mouth open, shoving the blade inside, slashing the inside of my throat. He  slashed my arms. Stabbed me in the throat. He tried to cut off my hands but Connor got him off me just as it pierced my skin. I was coughing up blood. The blood..."                                                                                                                                                                                        By this point, tears are streaming down my face and i'm violently shaking. Even so i force myself to continue, "Con managed to hold him off till the police got here but he was badly bruised.  An ambulance arrived just as mum got home from work. The last thing i remember was Con telling me that the ambulance would be here soon.  When i woke up, i couldn't speak. The doctors said it was very unlikely that i'd ever speak again. I came home and found our mum and Connor in tears, i couldn't understand why.  Gary got arrested but was released on bail. Social services believed it would be unsafe if i stayed there any longer. They were crying because they just found out i was going to be taken away. I lived in a care home for a while but then James' parents fostered me. James was and has always been very kind to me. Most of the kids in the neighbourhood thought i was a freak and bullied me. Beating me up and all that. I remember there was a time when i saw James watching me get beaten up, i wanted to call out to him but i couldn't. Then i couldn't see him anymore. He'd abandoned me or so i thought at the time. But if he'd intervened they would've started on him and i didn't want that. But his parents came and the kids cleared off. I didn't realise at the time but James had actually gone to get help. But after a while the bullying got too much, so i ran away. I lived on streets for a few years, painting to pass the time away. Made some allies. We'd shared food and cash that we got. And then i found you four."

The Mute (Bradley Simpson fanfic) *Editing in progress*Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon