Chapter 8

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Cecilia's P.O.V
*a few weeks later*
It's weird, being on tour with my brother and his band. I guess I'm just not used to all the travelling.
The boys are currently rehearsing. I'm watching them, a smile on my face. I can see why they've gotten so popular. I mean they're amazing!
My arm wasn't broken, just a sprain. The swelling went down quite quickly and I was still able to sign  -though it did hurt a bit. Brad has been avoiding me lately, i guess he still feels guilty. Maybe he thinks im I'm still mad at him. I was for a start but... looking at it from his perspective, i can see that he was only looking out for me, he didn't mean to grip onto my wrist that hard.

As i close my sketchbook, i notice that his skateboard is gone. But Brad isn't skateboarding in the parking lot, he's gone!
I'm not sure why I'm so concerned but... he shouldn't have just run off.
Connor and Tristan are playing on the xbox, James is working out. They don't seem to notice that Brad has gone, or that I'm there. I put my sketchbook in my bag and head out, off of the bus. Time to explore, i want to find some good scenery to draw. There's a park nearby, i think that i could get some good scenery there.

At the park i find a good spot and sit down, admiring the view. I begin to sketch but i hear the sound of a skateboard. I'm pretty sure there's no skate ramps here. Weird...
I fight my way through the shrubbery and spot a very familiar figure, doing tricks on his skateboard. Brad!
But it's half hearted. He's not focused at all!


Ouch! That must've hurt. He was trying to grind the metal handrails, by the steps,on his skateboard, but he lost balance and tumbled down the steps!
He's landed flat on his face, but he isn't moving. I hope he's okay!
Running over to him, i can't help but feel worried. He's been acting so strangely, recently.
I kneel down beside him and nudge him. Then i nudge him, more worriedly, when he doesn't respond.
Suddenly, he lifts his head. Our eyes meet, but he looks so sad, and shocked. He sits up and says nothing.

I sign frantically at him with concern. "Are you okay?! Are you hurt?! Can you walk?! Doe I need to get help?!"  But realising he doesn't understand, I take out my phone and message him.

What's wrong? Are you okay?! You've been acting really weird lately. - Cecilia

Brad looks at his phone but still remains silent. I hold out my hand and hesitantly he takes it. I pull him up and lead him to where i was before, with him picking up his skateboard on the way.
As we sit down, I look at him with a sigh as I begin typing out another message.
You think I'm still mad at you, for hurting me, don't  you? I'm not... i know you were only looking out for me, i would've done the same thing. Plus, i know you didn't mean to grip on my wrist that hard. - CC

Brad hears his phone buzz and he checks it again. Then he looks up at me. "Really? You forgive me?"
I nod and hug him.

So stop dwelling on it, - CC

As we hug i get this weird feeling in my stomach...butterflies? Weird.
He smiles at me, "Thanks!"
We head back to the bus and Join in the xbox game with Connor and Tristan, easily beating them.
They demand a rematch and we beat them, yet again.
Me and Brad hi five.

Great teamwork Brad, - CC

Brad grins at me, "haha we make a pretty good team!"
Connor laughs, "Nu uh, mate, Me and Tris are best team.
I grin, silently laughing as I sign.

"How r u the best team? You lost!"

He narrows his eyes at me, smirking. Uh oh. I run quickly, Connor hot on my tail.
"Come back here!" He shouts, chasing me.
I head around the corner and suddenly I'm pulled into a closet. I struggle and try to get free, whacking my elbow on something in the process.
"Shh, he'll hear you." A familir voice whispers.
Brad? I turn and face him, sighing with relief.
It's dark in here but i can just make out the features of his face.
Its a very small space, so we're quite close together. So close that i can feel his breath on my face. My cheeks begin burning up at the close proximity. Thank goodness it's so dark in here. Wait a sec... I'm blushing? What the... this is really weird? Why am i blushing?

"Celia? Celia where are you? How on earth did you manage to disappear that quickly?"
I open the cuboard door a tiny bit. Hehe, he can't find me. Slowly i slip out and join James, he's currently working out. He really does love keeping healthy. Brad follows me in and we join in with James' work out, though we are kind of goofing around.
Then Brad puts on some music and we dance around crazily!
Brad takes me by the hand and spins me around.
Then i walk around dizzily colliding with him and James. We're all in a heap, full of laughter. Connor still hasn't found me yet.

Suddenly he bursts in the room and bursts ou laughing. Then he grabs me and tickles me like crazy. Which usually would cause me to kick around, sometimes kicking him in the nuts.
Which...i happen to do this time.
Sorry Con!

The four of us continue dancing crazily and then Tristan joins us.  They also film it and post it on their twitter. These boys are so crazy, and really fun to be around! I think I'm really starting to like it here.

The Mute (Bradley Simpson fanfic) *Editing in progress*Where stories live. Discover now