Chapter 12

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Brad's P.O.V

*A few months later*

We've all just about recovered from our injuries... but Cecilia still hasn't woken up. They've been talking about pulling the plug, but neither of us four are going to give up on her. We've all been visiting her regularly. I will be honest, the guilt still weighs on my mind. Currently we're sat together on the bus, we've been working on new music, playing our instruments. We've finally got this song perfected. It's called 'Wake Up'. As we're playing, an idea comes into my mind. "Hey guys! We should play this to Cecilia! Maybe the music will help bring her out of the coma." The boys are a bit hesitant, "Do you think the hospital would let us? We'd be performing th acoustic version but, they might say it is disruptive to other patients." James says. Tristan nods, "Yeah but it's a good idea. Cecilia loves our music, right Con? Hey! We could film it and post it on youtube."

Connor nods, "Yeah, but we should ask the hospital first...and i'm not so sure about posting a video of it on youtube, I don't really feel comfortable with that...however i do like the idea of playing music for her. Cecilia would like that!"

Once we've rang the hospital - who said it was okay for us to play our music for her - we get our equipment and head to the hospital. Once we've arrived we head to her room and set up. Time for some music.

Cecilia's P.O.V

(A/N - This is Cecilia's dream sequence while in a coma. Imagine The Vamps song Wake Up playing along side this!)

It's the strangest thing. I'm in the middle of nowhere. Where are the boys? What is this place?

"Wake up!" I hear voices say. Turning around sharply i look around, "Who's there?" Wait what? I spoke? I can talk? How?!

Suddenly i feel someone tapping me on the shoulder. Huh? "Hey there!" I stare at him confused, "Tristan?" He's grinning, "Come on! Follow me!" He runs into the distance. "Hey! Wait!" I follow him, though i have no idea where he is going. But then i spot a canyon up ahead. "Tristan stop! There's no way we can make that jump!" He stops abruptly, "You trust me right?" I nod and he suddenly grabs me by the arm. He runs towards the canyon at full speed. He turns to me, "Ready? Three, two, one! JUMP!" I find myself flying through the air, hurtling towards the other side of the canyon. I only just manage to grab hold of the edge. "Damn you Tristan, you're crazy!"

There's a familiar laugh, "Yep that's Tristan!" A hand reaches down and pulls me up. Huh? James? I stare at him confused and look round, "Where'd Tristan go?" James just smiles. I hug him quickly. After we separate he smiles, "Come on, keep up lil sis." I give him a look, "Little?" He grabs my arm, "Come on! Hurry! We need to run for it!" We both are running speedily, "What are we running from exactly?" I say between breaths. He gestures behind him. "Those!!" I turn my head and see fireballs raining down everywhere. What the hell is this?! This is insane!!

We continue running and then James suddenly grabs me and pulls me to one side. He pulls me down at the same time, just as a fireball whizzes past our head. Whoa! That was close!

We don't seem to stop running, all the while ducking and dodging out the way of fireballs. Suddenly i find i'm being pulled down behind a rock, as a large ball of fire blazes past our heads. "Phew that was close." I say turning to face James. But he's disapeared! He's gone! Why do they keep disapearing?

Once again out of nowhere i feel a hand on my shoulder. "Celia!" I know that voice. I'd know it anywhere. I turn around and hug my brother tightly, "Con!" I don't want to let go but he soon makes me let go. "Wake up!" He murmurs to me and in response I stare in confusion.

He begins to run, so i join him. "Wait!" I yell after him. But then he jumps out of view. Huh? I look around stunned. Where'd he go? "Over here! Come on!" I hear his voice again. I jump across to the rock he's on. Wait a floating rock?! This is getting weirder by the second.

I suddenly snap out of my thoughts as the rock we're standing on begins to crumble. Oh no! Connnor quickly grabs my hand and we jump to another rock. And another. And yet another. It seems to be never ending.


I find myself faceplanting the ground. That's when it dawns on me. As I sit up I look around and my face pales. No no no! Not him too!

Connor is gone, along with the others, much to dismay. "

Ouch! That was some landing!" I hear a brummie accent say. I gasp, "Brad?!"
I sit up and see him standing next to me. He gently pulls me up, "You alright?" I nod and he leads me to this mountain. He begins to climb it. Okay then, i guess it's time for rock climbing. It's very difficult, there's very little to grab onto.

Don't look down. Don't look down. Don't look down.

Accidentally glancing down, my mind starts to freak out. Wow we're high. Really really high. . I'd better not slip. Ugh, I'm such an idiot. I shouldn't have looked down.

As soon as my mind freaks out, i lose grip and slip. But before i can fall, a strong arm grabs me and pulls me up. Huh? I guess we were near the top because Brad's already there. He quickly pulls me to saftey. I look round and see a bright light. I feel myself drawn towards it. Brad takes me by the hand and we walk towards it. There's whispers from all four boys surrounding me, all saying the same two words over and over.

Wake up!

I continue to walk into the light, this must be where i need to go. It's so bright, it's blinding. I - I....i....what's happening?

Light pours in my face as i slowly open my eyes. For a minute it's a blur and then i hear voices. Four people by my bedside. There's beeping, a machine? Life support? I'm in hospital. I see my brother, all teary-eyed. "C-c-c-c." I manage to croak, to everyone's surprise. Connor smiles at me, teary eyed, "Celia! I can't believe it! You're awake!!"

I try to sit up and both Connor and James dart forward to help. "Take it easy, you've been in accident. You were in a coma," James says. Now i'm sat up i can see all four of them. Connor's the nearest, then Brad, James and finally Tristan. Connor hugs me tight. "C-c-c-c." Then James hugs me, "J-j-j-j." I croak. Tristan then gives me a quick hug, "T-t-t-t." Finally my attention goes to Brad. He's looking down at the floor. I can see guilt in his eyes. A tear rolls down his cheek. Slowly, i lean forwards a little and grab his hand. He looks up at me surprised. I smile, "B-b-b-b." I give his hand a gentle squeeze and a smile grows on his face. I open my arms and beckon for him to come into a hug. He hesitates and then hugs me tightly. "B-b-b-b." I croak again. "We were all so worried," He whispers. "I'm so glad we've got you back!"

The Mute (Bradley Simpson fanfic) *Editing in progress*Where stories live. Discover now