Chapter 15

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Cecilia's P.O.V

I find Connor sat looking at his phone. I sit beside him. "Why were you arguing with Brad about me?" I ask and he looks up from his phone and replies, "I didn't like how he was looking at you. I don't want him messing around with you. He likes you."    I burst out laughing, "Con, of course he doesn't like me like that. We're just friends. And even if he did... Brad's not like that. I know you're worried he might hurt me. I know you're protective of me because of what happened... but Con, i'm a big girl now. I can take care of myself. I appreciate that you're concerned about me but it's my life, if i want to date someone then there's no reason why i shouldn't."

He sighs, "I know, i know. I'm sorry i'm so overprotective. I just - i don't want to lose you. You're everything to me. And they have to get my permission to date you. If idon't trust them, they're no good. Yeah?"  I laugh and hug him, "You're everything to me too. But i need to stand on my own to feet. You'll always come first, you know that. I couldn't love anyone more than i love you bro."  Connor hugs me tight. "I know...but you suffered so much, it hurt me to see you like that. I don't want you get hurt like that ever again."     Burying my face in his shoulder, i smile, "I'll be fine. Now you need to go make up to Brad. You were a bit too harsh on him, especially considering he was only helping me learn guitar. We can't have no fighting in your band. Even Davy Jones would agree."    Connor laughs, "You'd be right there, matey." He says becoming Davy Jones.  I elbow him, "Just do it!"

He nods and heads off, just as James walks in, "Hey Celia! Can I talk to you?"  Smiling, I nod and he sits beside me, "How  do you feel about Brad?"  I shrug, "What do you mean?"  He looks at me seriously, "Do you like him?"    Rolling my eyes, I nod, "Sure, he's a great guy. An awesome friend."   James sighs, "No I mean do you have a crush on him?"   I burst out laughing once again, "James! Not you too! Me and Brad are just friends. That is all!"  He ponders for a minute and I mumble to myself, "it's not like he'd like me like that anyway."   James' head shoots up... oh shoot! He didn't hear did he. Biting my lip I get up and say, "I have some things to do."  Then I head out, I can hear Tristan playing on his drums, but I'm not sure where Connor and Brad are.

*The next day*

The boys have an interview today and so we're up early. Brad and Connor are talking to each other again, now. I guess Connor did smooth things over with Brad. But Brad still won't talking to me. He's shutting me out...again! Anyway, we're in a room with the people who are interviewing them. It seems to be going well. I'm out of the way, behind the cameras watching them. I can't help but smile, they've done so well for themselves. But more often than not, my eyes keep drifting to Brad. I don't know why but I keep finding myself staring at him.  He's really cute...and hot. Can someone be cute and hot at the same time? His eyes and that smile...and  he's got this amazing personality. He's kind and caring, energetic and outgoing, crazy and wild, and committed to the job he loves - the band.  He's following his dream, working hard to get there along with his's really very admirable.  Whoa! Whoa! Snap out of it girl. I think I got a bit carried away. All of a sudden, Brad looks over and our eyes meet, making my heart skip a beat. I look away quickly, a blush burning on my face.

Interviewer: So recently you've all been involved in an accident and I'm all you're fans are relieved to know you're all okay. So what happened there?

James: Well we all sustained injuries after the building we were in collapsed. Our injuries prevented us from performing so regretfully we had to postpone the tour. We need a fair bit of time to recover not only from the injuries but the shock as well.

Brad: Yeah we got pretty beat up. But we were lucky...

Interviewer: Well you're all lucky to be alive after that.

Tristan:  One of us more than others.

Connor: Cecilia was seriously injured, it was so bad the doctors didn't think she'd make it through the night. But we were all so relieved when she did, but she was in a coma for a long while.

J: It was a hard time for all of us...especially Con.

I: So who is Cecilia? She must mean a lot to you guys. Is that her over there?

C: Yeah that's Cecilia. She's my twin sister, she means the world to me.

To this I smile and the Interviewer beckons me over. Hesitantly I walk over and Con gets up and pulls me into a hug. I squeeze between him and James as I sit with the boys on the sofa.

I: So why have you only introduced her now?

Connor glances at me and I nod. He then hesitates before saying:

C: Well we were separated when we were younger due to something that had happened. She was taken into care whilst I stayed with our mum.

Cecilia: I also previously knew James before he was in The Vamps. It's kinda how we met. His parents fostered me for quite some time but then I got passed onto other people. But then I found Con again.

J: Yeah and he introduced her to us. Well to the others since I already knew her. Lil sis.

Ce: Stop calling me that! Big Bro.

I: So are you joining the boys on tour?

B: Yep she's coming on tour with us. I don't think any of us would have it any other way, I mean we're all very fond of her.

I blush a little and bite my lip.

I: So who's your favourite member of the band and what do you think of The Vamps?

Ce: Umm... I think you all already know the answer for the first question. And what do I think of them? Well... they're amazing - and I'm not just saying that because my brothers are in the band. The four of them are insanely talented and I know they're gonna do well.

The boys all pull me in for a big, warm, cuddly group hug which concludes the interview.

The Mute (Bradley Simpson fanfic) *Editing in progress*Where stories live. Discover now