Chapter 6

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Cecilia's P.O.V

Me, Con and Brad head go to the mall to do some shopping. Currently i'm feeling self concious. I can't help but notice that everyone is staring at me. I know they think I'm a freak. Nervously, i move closer to Connor. He senses my anxiousness and leads me into a shop. Pnce in the shop i browse through the clothes. After a while i decide totry on some clothes. I try on tops, shoes, jeans and jackets whilst Connor and Brad mess around. When i come out of the changing rooms, Brad zooms past, spinning a large bra around his head. Connor the runs after him throwing another bra at Brad. I roll my eyes. Boys!

I run after them and when i catch up, whack them round the head, trying to be serious. Pfft! Famous last words! A grin grows on my face as i'm trying not to laugh. Connor has dumped a Bra on Brad's head!

I grab Connor's phone and quickly take a picture, sending it to the other boys. Brad then puts on another bra and poses comically. I quickly take another photo and send it to James and Tristan.

*Click* *Click*

Brad looks over at me, hearing the camera clicks and he smirks at me, "delete that."
"No chance!" I run off, dropping my basket of clothes and shoes, as he begins to chase me. I head round a corner and hide behind a clothes rack. Hmm, there's no sign of Brad. Where could he have gotten to?

Out of the corner of my eye i spot a black trilby/fedora kind of style hat, studded with rhinestones. I pick it up and try it on. "Hey that really suits you." A voice says and i spin around. Uh oh! Brad again. I smirk, chuck the hat at him and run. "Oh no you don't," he says, running after me.

*15 minutes later*

So i've finally lost Brad. Gosh that took forever. Well it felt like it anyway. I wonder round the shops for a while and then actually end up bumping into Brad and Connor. "There you are. I was wondering where you ran off to." Connor says and hands me a large shopping bag. "We bought those clothes you wanted." "Thank you!" "You're welcome!"
Brad walk up to me, with the hat i saw earlier! "I got you this too. It suits you so much that you gotta have it!" He plonks the hat on my head, positioning it at a jaunty angle. As he does he winks at me.

In return i glare at him and join Connor. He's looking at a shop window, which happens to be a jewellery store. I nudge him. He smiles, "Sorry i was just wondering if i should get a nose piercing. Hey can i have my phone back now?"

I nod and hand him his phone, but not before changing his lock screen to the photo of brad wearing a bra, and with one on his head. Connor checks his phone and laughs, "Nice one." Then he hands me a box. Cool an iphone 6! "I took the liberty of setting it up for you. I've added my number onto it already."

I nod and take out my phone, putting the packaging in my bag. Then i turn to him

"So i can comunicate with the others better?"

Connor nods at me.

"Cool! Thanks! really want to get that piercing?"

Connor shrugs, "I dunno. I mean i've been thinking about it."
Brad nods, "Anyways you don't need to worry about that. It's not like you'd ever get one, you'd be too scared."
Me? Scared? Pfft!

I grab Connor by the arm,
"Let's both get a nose piercing! Could be like a twin thing?!?"

He looks at me, "are you sure? This isn't just because of what Brad said?"
I nod and he grins, "I was kind of hoping that you'd say that. Identical piercings for twins. Awesome! To show our awesome connection."
I laugh and hi five him. We head into the jewelers. Here goes nothing...


I wrinkle my nose slowly, that was interesting. I look over at Connor, a small red patch on his nose and a shiny gold ring in his nose. I catch my reflection in the mirror, an identical red patch and gold ring is in my nose.

I give Connor a thumbs up "Looks great!" and the shop assistant walks over. He's tall and muscular. He winks and smirks at me, "Hey hot stuff. I am going to throw in a discount for you, if you come home with me." He whispers in my ear. Connor yanks him away from me. "We're paying the full price." The assisant shrugs and winks at me again. Connor slams him into the wall. "Listen here, i know your kind anywhere! Don't you ever look at my sister in that way or touch her again or i'll break your neck. Got that?" He snaps.

The other guy nods, a scared look on his face. Connor lets go of him and slams some cash on the counter. He storms out of the shopping, pulling me along with him. Brad is waiting outside, "Took you long enough, whay was all that shouting about? Everything okay bro?"

Connor nods and we head to a cafe for lunch.

Brad's P.O.V

In the cafe me and Connor chat. He also chats to Cecilia and she responds using sign language. Connor often signs back to her. Of course, i have no idea what they're talking about since I don't know sign language. But something's just suddenly sunk in and i don't know how i didn't realise sooner. It's not that she doesn't want to speak, she can't speak. I look over at Cecilia, "Cecilia, i-if erm." I stammer,not sure how to say it. "Cecilia, if you don't mind, i mean if your not comfortable talking about it you don't have to."
Connor looks at me confused and and Cecilia starts signing to me. But realising i can't understand, she turns to Connor who types something onto her phone, and then she starts typing.


I look at my phone quickly.

You want to know why i haven't spoken yet? -CC

I look over at Cecilia, "You can't speak can you?" She shakes her head, a upset expression on her face. "Something awful happened to you, so you can no longer speak. I understand that you don't want to talk about it so i'll stop talking about it."

Then i text her,

When you're ready to tell me i'll be here. But we won't speak of it anymore because i know it upsets you. Okay? - Brad

Thank you, that means a lot - CC

I put my phone away and we all leave the cafe without a word.

The Mute (Bradley Simpson fanfic) *Editing in progress*Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ