Chapter 10

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Cecilia's P.O.V

I can hear the boys discussing something as i join them at the breakfast bar in the morning. I'm sat next to James and i realize that as the conversation continues, they still haven't noticed me. I'll soon fix that.

"YEOW!" James yelps. He turns to me, "What was that for? Wait when'd you get here?" Raising an eyebrow, i smirk. I elbowed him sharply in the ribs. I can elbow people pretty hard, which James has just learned the hard way. James then realizes, "Oh right! Sorry about that. We were discussing plans for today, since we have a day off. Sorry we didn't notice you." I can hear the other boys laughing as I type a message to the group chat.

So anyone got any ideas? -CC

Tristan nods, "Crash the mall?"

What are you like 7? Crash the mall? Really?? -CC

Connor nods, "Anyone else?" Then James speaks up, "How about a hike?" The other boys nod and i begin typing.

Cool! We can bring lunch with us and have like a picnic. Plus it's such nice day. -CC

Brad grins, "We can take our skateboards too!" Connor nods, "But i'm bringing a football too!" Tristan jumps up, "I'll make the food!"

More like you'll eat it all! I'll do it! - CC

After that we all split up, preparing for the hike. I prepare a few treats and something for us to drink, but I think we'll pack one of those mini barbecue things, so i'm packing sausages and burger patties. I'm making sure their wrapped up carefully and separate from the other things. Okay i think that's food sorted. Oh wait almost forgot, along with hot dog and burger buns we need ketchup! Okay now i'm done. I grab the food bag and sling it on my back as i head out to join the others.

They're all waiting near the front of the bus. Quickly i join them and we begin our hike through the woods. It's nice and peaceful. Well as peaceful as it can be, with some of them being really noisy. Connor in particular.

"Okay, who let Con have orange juice? That was a seriously bad idea!" I sign with a grin. Seeing me sign, Connor smirks and suddenly grabs and tickles me. It takes me a while, i manage to wriggle free. I run and jump on Brad's back and i hear him chuckle. "I'm not your getaway horse y'know!" "Oh my bad. And here I thought you were just being a lazy mare!" I sign and Connor and James burst out laughing. I join in, though my laughs are silent as I am mute.

Brad looks at us in confusion. "What's so funny? What did she say?" They keep laughing and he pouts. "Come on guys! I feel left out of all these inside jokes you keep having." I glance at Connor and James. "Aw poor little baby." They start laughing again and then Connor turns to Brad. "She said, 'Oh my bad, and here I thought you were just a lazy mare!" Brad's eyes widen and he chuckles, "Very funny. You're such a cheeky little monkey aren't ya?"   'You know it!' I respond and we all continue walking; well they do, I'm on Brad's back still.

*A few hours later*

After what feels like ages, we come across a clearing, so we sit down and get out the food. James has set up the barbecue and Brad and Con are playing footie. Tristan has joined them. I'm doing quick sketches of everyone, but every so often i stop to help James. Soon we're all sat together eating hot dogs and burgers. We're just laughing and chatting together. It feels wonderful. After we've eaten we play football. Then they start mucking about. I practice bending my body into weird positions. It's something I've always been able to do. It may look painful but sometimes it's actually quite comfy. Carefully i pack my art stuff away and that's when i notice that it's only me and James. I raise an eyebrow.

The Mute (Bradley Simpson fanfic) *Editing in progress*Where stories live. Discover now