Chapter 11

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Brad's P.O.V

Currently, I'm waiting for the ambulance to arrive. I'm sitting with Cecilia. Connor is next to me. I can tell he's in agony. We all are, but he's too worried about Cecilia to care. We've all been injured, the building is just a pile of rubble.  Slowly, I glance at Cecilia, she's unconscious but thankfully she's breathing.
After what feels like forever, the ambulance arrives.

*A few hours later*

We've all been fixed up, but Cecilia is in surgery. We don't know how long she'll be in there for. Tristan has a broken arm and a couple of cracked ribs; James has broken one arm and sprained the other; Connor's probably worse off than some of us, sprained leg, one arm fractured in two places, the other dislocated at the shoulder and several cracked ribs, oh and a slight concussion. He's going to be in overnight. As for me, my leg is broken and my arm had several bits of shrapnel in it. The nurse is currently removing the smaller bits.  There was a large piece in my shoulder, which has shattered part of the joint. But I've had a little surgery on it. That part of my arm is bound up. When the nurse finishes removing all the shrapnel, she cleans each wound and applies dressings and stitches as required. I'm then allowed to leave so I go and sit with the others.
Connor is sitting in a wheelchair. He should really be in his room but he refused to stay in there until he knows his sister will be okay. To be honest, we're all really worried.
James is trying his best to reassure us all.
"She'll be fine! Cecilia will be okay!"
I nod, "Yeah, James is right. She'll be fine."

After another 30 minutes, a doctor comes out of the operating theatre. Soon after they wheel out a bed and take it into another room. The doctor sits down opposite us. "How is she? How's my sister?" Connor says. The doctor has a sympathetic look on his face. No! Tell me she's not...
"I'm afraid your sister is in a critical condition. We don't know if she'll make it through the night."
Connor's eyes start watering, "C-can I see her?" 

The doctor shakes his head, "I'm afraid not. When she is in a stable condition you may visit her."   The four of us remain in silence.  I don't think it's really sunk in for us all. After a while we head back to the tour bus - minus Con, he gets wheeled back to his room by a nurse. It looks like the tour will be cancelled or at least postponed until we've all recovered. Currently, I'm sitting by myself, the whole thing replaying in my mind. Why did i get frustrated with her? I remember seeing the ceiling begin to crumble, I push her out of the way. Then she falls through the floor. I let her fall! Why didn't I catch her? This is all my fault. We may end up losing her - and it will be all my fault.

James' P.O.V

Everyone has been thoroughly shaken by what happened. Cecilia knew it wasn't safe. We all did in a way, but the adrenaline from doing something dangerous took over us. I can tell this incident has taken it's toll on everyone. We're going to do a livestream tomorrow, making a formal apology to our fans because we're prolonging the tour.  I really hope Cecilia will be okay.  I'm walking through the bus when I find Brad sitting by himself, his leg propped up. But the strangest thing is, I can see tears in his eyes like he's about to cry. "Brad? Mate you alright?"  He quickly rubs his eyes, "Y-yeah. Why wouldn't I be?"   I sit beside him, "Mate, I know you're worried about Cecilia. I am too - she's my little sis. We all are, but i'm sure she'll be okay."  

He looks up at me, "You don't get it! It's my fault! I let her fall! I tried to grab her, but she fell, and slipped through my fingers. It's all my fault!"  I sigh, "Brad, you need to calm down, it's not your fault, it was an accident. No one is at fault, we were all in the wrong place at the wrong time. Accidents happen."  Brad just shrugs and heads off to his bunk. I head to my bunk too. As soon as I get in, which isn't easy since both arms are wounded, I feel myself dozing off. I think we could all use the rest.

Connor's P.O.V

I wake up early, after that rough night. These hospital beds are far from comfy. I can join the others today, thankfully. My head feels better. I was so dizzy yesterday. Once I've been discharged, I meet up with the boys. They are in the waiting room. As I greet them, a doctor comes up to us. Cecilia. I turn to the doctor, "How is she?" The doctor sighs, "Your sister is stable, she made it through the night. But she is in a coma, I'm afraid I don't know when, or indeed if she'll wake up. You can see her, she's upstairs in room 105." 

Instantly the four of us head upstairs to find room 105. Once I'm inside, I stand there stunned. There are wires everywhere, in her hands, throat and face. She's covered in bruises and cuts. She's bandaged up too. It's shocking to see her in such a state. I sit by her bedside and i feel tears building up. "Boys, can you - "  I'm cut off by James, "Sure Con, we'll give you some alone time."  Gently I pick up Cecilia's hand. The tears start flowing down my face as I lower my head. 

"Celia, sis, wake up, please!"

The Mute (Bradley Simpson fanfic) *Editing in progress*Where stories live. Discover now