Chapter 7

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Brad's P.O.V
*A few days later*

I head out to the front of the bus to get my skateboard. Time to skate!
Hold on a minute... where is it?  I head to the lounge, "Guys have you seen my skateboard anywhere? I was so sure i'd left it at the front of the bus."
James shrugs, "That's where it was this morning." 

Connor runs in so quickly, he nearly collides with me. "Hey have you guys seen Cecilia anywhere? Woah sorry Brad!"
The boys shake their heads. Hmm.

I head outside and see tracks leading into the woods. Skateboard tracks! Aha! 
I slowly follow them into the woods, i think i know who has my skateboard.

Cecilia's P.O.V

In the clearing, i spot a pack of wolves. Watching them from a distance i begin to sketch, fascinated by these beautiful creatures. Hopefully i can get this drawing done. Connor got mea sketchbook and some artist pencils yesterday, so i can still do my artwork.

After a while i look up from my sketchbook and my eyes meet that of a wolf's. It's inches away from me but i don't feel scared. Calmly i continue my drawing. The wolf circles me slowly before sitting beside me. I look over it in awe. It seems to not mind my prescence. Slowly i reach out to touch it's soft fur.


A voice yells and the wolf flees. I sigh irritably, slamming the sketchbook shut and folding my arms.


He runs over to me, "ARE YOU CRAZY? THAT THING COULD HAVE CHEWED YOUR WHOLE ARM OFF!"  He shouts.  He picks up his skateboard, grabs me by the arm and pulls me along. "COME ON!"  He snaps and leads me back to the bus, his grip tightening on my wrist.  Connor is standing outside.

Brad marches up to him, me being pulled along, and says, "I found your sister. She's lucky she didn't get her hand bitten off." 

Brad is now practicly crushing my wrist and a tear rolls down my cheek. As soon as he sees the tear, his face softens and he lets go.  My arm is red, swollen and bruised. Connor glares at Brad, "Idiot, look what you've done!" 
Brad gulps and looks at me, "Cecilia i'm so sorry. I didn't mean -"
Connor interrupts, "Brad just go."  He turns to me and hugs me gently, "I'll bandage your arm up and we'll leave it a day or two to see if the swelling goes down. If not we'll go to the doctors, kay sis?"


We head onto the bus and he bandages my arm. "Aye, doctor Davy Jones is amazed at his excellence in first aid." He says in a scottish accent.  Rolling my eyes, i elbow him with my good arm. "You wish!"

Usually when he does his Davy Jones thing it annoys me but for once it's actually cheers me up. I look up at Con and smile.

Tristan randomly walks in, "uh-oh Davy Jones is back,"

"I never left matey," Connor says still talking in a scottish accent. I roll my eyes again and head to my bunk, where i put my sketchbook in my new bag. I decide to lay down on my bunk and close it's curtains.

"Mate i'm telling you i didn't mean to hurt her. I don't know what got into me. I guess i was scared that the wolf was going to a attack her."  I hear a familiar Brummie accent say.  I roll my eyes. Eugh! But then i realize that Brad is talking to James.  I can hear them but they don't realize that i'm even here.

"I know mate, i'm sure Cecilia will forgive you. She's such a lovely person when you get to know her." James says.

"Oh, okay. One question. How do you know Cecilia? Also why did you call her Wolfie - May when Connor brought her onto the bus?"

No! James don't say anything. Don't...

"She's my foster sister. My parents fostered her a few years ago. She was renamed to Wolfie - May, that is all i knew her by at the time. She went to another family after a few years. Me and her don't get along now...she hates me"

"Why? Why does she hate you?" Brad asks.

"That's for her to tell you, not me, which she probably will if you give her time. I can tell she'll open up to you at some point. Just don't push her, Brad."

That's it! I'm done listening to them taking about me. I whip open my bunk curtains and jump out, startling both of them. James stares at me whilst Brad looks away, looking ashamed. 

"Cecilia - I-I." James stammers.  I look at him, i give him a look but then i see the hurt on his face. I can't hold this grudge against him. It wasn't his fault, what happened then... he wasn't to blame. I beckon to him and lead him to the back of the bus. Once there i snap, signing furiously, knowing fully well he understands everything.

"You shouldn't have told him. It's none of his business."

James bites his lip, "I know, i guess it just slipped. A-are you still mad at me for what happened, when you used to live with my family?"    He seems really anxious. I pause for a moment before sighing and looking up at him.

"No, i'm not, not anymore. It was silly of me to hold a grudge. It wasn't your fault. There wasn't anything you could of done. You would've only gotten hurt and i couldn't bear that if you did."

James smiles at me and we hug. I'm glad we're okay now. It feels great to have another brother by my side.

The Mute (Bradley Simpson fanfic) *Editing in progress*Where stories live. Discover now