The Six Swifties

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Later that day, we had lunch in the cafeteria.

"So, anymore juicy gossip to share with us, Hazel?" I asked. "Juicier than my apple?"

Everyone snickered as they leaned towards Hazel.

"Hmm..." she said thoughtfully as she nibbled on her PBJ sandwich. "Uh... no, I guess I ran out."

This time, we let out short laughs.

"Well, since we're one schoolyear before highschool, it's time to make our own group." Maria announced, putting down her fork.

Here in the Philippines, 7th grade is the beggining of highschool. The school curriculum here is... how should I say this... different from other countries.

"All six of u--" Demi stopped in mid-sentence, with her mouth still full with cookie bits. "Where's Margaret?"

"Oh, she's in the library cramming the History homework." Hazel replied. "I asked her." She then paused. "Strange, before, in the 1st-3rd grade, she is very diligent and submits homework early. And, 4th-present, she crams and sometimes submits homework late."

"Maybe she just has alot of things in her hands and besides, the 4th-6th grade has some intense homework." Katie said understandingly.

Perhaps Katie is right. I sometimes have alot of things to do. Especially, because I have a little seven-year-old brat in the house.

Wait a minute...

Margaret is an only child. And her parents are always at home, so she could seek help from them. I tried to puzzle these things together, however they don't seem to fit.

"Maybe I can come over to her house and help her." I suggested.

"That's really thoughtful of you, Ellie." Katie said. "Do you need any help?"

"Nope, I don't want you to go through all that trouble. I could just walk there."

"Well, since that's out of the way," Maria announced, "let's talk about the group. I'm gonna be president of it!"

"Hey! No fair!" Hazel cried. "How come you're the one who's president?!"

"Because I had the idea first!"

"We could discuss on the name of the club first, perchance, before we figure out who's gonna be president." Demi said, softly.

Maria groaned. "Fine! But I'm pretty sure it's gonna be me!

"How about... 'The Sixers?'" I suggested.

"Hmm... not bad..." Katie mumbled.

"No, what about, 'The Six Swifties'" Demi suggested shyly.

We all nodded.

We all smiled.

It was perfect!

"It's final!" I announced enthusiastically. "We are gonna be named, 'The Six Swifties!'"

"Our theme song's gonna be... uh... what?" Katie asked.

We glanced at each other in bewilderment.

"Well, I think it should be something from the 1989 album. Um... I listen to 'How you get the girl' when I'm happy."

"Me too." Katie agreed. "But how 'bout the others?"

"I prefer 'Clean'" Hazel said.

"I'll go with Hazel." Demi announced.

"Okay. Margaret and I both love 'Wildest Dreams'. Tomorrow, with Margaret, let's decide what it will be."

Once it was affirmed, we all zoomed to History class.

But I went over to the library to call Margaret.

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