There's Clean, Dirty And A Shriek

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A. N.
Hey readers! Soorry again if I didn't update in a while. Vacation is closing in and I've become so lazy (if you know what I mean ;). If you're enjoying this story, check out a short story my little, seven-year-old sister made. It's called, "Marshmallow", and I hope that you like it. It is also published under my account. Also, check out my older sister's, MininksMikachi127, stories. Thank you and enjoy.


I rang the doorbell. I waited for a few seconds. Margaret opened the door.

"Sorry I kept you waiting!"

"It's quite alright." She replied in her ever-so-hospitable voice. "Want a drink or some snacks?"

"No, it's ok. I--ow!" I bumped into a wooden table, knocking down a mug of coffee. It spilled and dripped on the white carpet underneath. "Oh no! I-I-I-I am s-so sorry! I--wait, this table wasn't here before. It was just a carpet."

"Well, we, uh... moved it here." She said, grabbing the carpet. "I think it's better if you'd stay in my room and prepare."

"You're sure you're ok cleaning up?"

"Yes. Be our guest."

As I started up the stairs, I heard a sudden, muffled shriek.

"What was that?"

"P-probably our n-neighbors."

"If you say so." I went up the stairs and into her large, square, sky blue room. A small, square window is found at the center, beside the bed. It has a purple bedsheet and a green blanket spread across and two, fluffed up, light pink pillows. And on the opposite side of the incredibly clean bed, is her incredibly messy desk. A pile of open books, papers and pictures were spread across it. Multi-colored pens, broken crayons and pencils were sprinkled on top. I even found a rotten orange peel on her computer mouse and an apple core near her tilted lamp.

"My, what a mess!" I exclaimed. "Hmm... should I...?" I reached for the pile, ready to scavenge into it. "No, I shouldn't!" I pulled my hand back. "That would be an invasion of privacy!"

"Okay!" Margaret yelled, bursting through the door. "Let's start!" She then sat herself down in front of her computer. Then there was silence between us.

I just stood still and I don't know why. Maybe because of the questions racing through my mind everytime I see or think about her.

Why is it so messy? Her desk and locker are both organized.
Why does she act nervous? Everybody thinks good of her.

What was that soft shriek?

Why? When? Where? Who? How? What?

More and more questions cross my mind, leaving me astray.

Hmm... maybe I should stop minding other people's business. Like I said, it's an invasion of--



"What do you think is a better word for nice?" She has already started typing few words onto her computer.

"Um... I guess, pleasant?"

"Ok, thanks."

"Glad to help." She then sighed. "I bet you're wondering why my desk is a disaster."

How did she do that?!

With eyes wide open, I nodded.

"Sorry. I got a little carried away with my schoolwork so I had no time to clean up my desk but only my bed. I had my Mom bring up snacks. And well," she picked up the orange peel, "you know what happens next."

I let out a little laugh. She did too as she faced the computer again.

"Let me ask you something, Margi." I said, slowly. "Are you... expecting something?"

"Well... uh... I've been expecting your visit."

I chuckled. "That... that's not what I meant. But something else."

"Uh... I can't think of anything else."

Hmm... so she's not having a little demon in the house. But something is bothering her. I just know it! No, no, no! No more minding her. You're here to help not to observe.

"Hey, Ellie!"

"I-I wasn't doing anything!" I shrieked.

"Woah, relax." She said calmly. "I was just gonna ask what's the Music report supposed to be about?"

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