Executing The Plan

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We were then in our positions: Maria and Hazel were hiding behind a nearby house, while Katie, Demi and I were hiding behind bushes around the house.

"Ok, stick to the plan." I reminded on my cellphone.

"Alright!" Hazel whispered then dismissed the call. "C'mon, Maria." She said, wearing her fancy purple dress and necklace. "Let's go!

"Coming!" She said, as she struggled to walk in her puffy gown and heavy jewelry.

Hazel rang the doorbell. She looked down at Margaret since she was on incredibly high heels. "Oh... uh, hello!" Margaret greeted.

"Hello, little girl!" Maria said with an elegant voice. "May we speak to your father?"
Margaret then was pushed aside by two muscular men who flirted on the doorframe.
"What could we do for you beautiful ladies?"

"Uh... our car broke down somewhere around the corner." Hazel said, pretending to flirt. "Would you two be darlings and help us?"

"Of-of course." They then led them far enough.

"Aim..." I said, through my phone. "FIRE!" With our Nerf guns, we shot their legs with the goo tipped, rubber bullets. They fell like flies. "Good work!" I said. "And, Katie. On the Achilles' heel?" She snickered.

"See ya, suckers!" Maria said as she tied a handkerchief on both their mouths and hid them behind a bush.

"Would five minutes be enough time?" Katie asked me as we all climbed up the fence to Margaret's backyard.

"Long enough if we hurry." I answered. I glanced at the door. It's locked! I then saw a window. The lights were off and nobody seemed to be there. "Demi, I want you to cli-- Demi?" We looked around the backyard.

My phone then vibrated. It was Demi.

"Demi, where are you?!" I whispered. Katie bent over to listen.

"Look up." We looked up to see her waving from the window.

"Wh-what?!" Katie mumbled, eyes wide open.

"H-how?" I stuttered through my phone.

"Just use the ladder beside you."

"What ladder?" We faced right and, indeed, saw a ladder.

I facepalmed myself. Katie snickered. "How could we miss that?!" She asked, still giggling.

I sighed as I climbed the first few steps of the ladder. "I don't know. But we're real nincompoops!" We climbed up to a room. "It's Margaret's room!" I said. "Look, what's that?"

Katie lit up a flashlight on a book. "Diary" was on the front cover and it was locked.

"Who'd leave their diary right on plain sight?" Demi asked in a mumble. "I don't think we should read it!"

"Yeah, but..." Katie said. "It's desperate times, right Ellie?"

"Yes, Katie care to do the honors?"

"Ok." She got out a hairpin and inserted it in the keyhole. I heard a click.

It's unlocked!

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