End Of School

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Hello, fellow readers! Sorry if I haven't updated this story in a while. I just got sick so I had to catch up with schoolwork. Anyways, I think I should stop talking now and let you enjoy the rest of the story.


Dismissal time!

It was 4:30 and students started to flood out of their classrooms into the sea of people covering every hallway.

Some were chatting away, while others ran to play. (Hehe, a rhyme!)

I finally found Margaret near her locker, listing down the things she had to do.

"Hey Margaret!" I greeted.

Margaret, however, didn't seem to notice me at all. Instead, she continued listing things down.

"I have to do my English delinquent... then I have to study for the Science quiz... then, uh..."

"Then the Music Report." I reminded her.

"Oh, right!" She turned to me. "Thank--Ellie! How long have you been standing there?"

"Long enough, I guess. I need to talk to you about something."

"Uh, sure." She then shut her locker tight and we started towards the door. "So, what is it?"

"I just wanted to inform you that I'm going to visit you later."

"What? Why?"

I was pretty confused at that moment. She was always thrilled to have me visit for playdates, little study groups, etc.

We were already going down the front steps of the school and approaching our "automobiles" as we'd like to call them.

"Um... I just want to help you in the homeworks we have. I have my Engli--oh!" I  scavenged through my folder and my English homework wasn't there. "I must've forgot it at home!"

"Well... uh... maybe you could go get it and be there by... let's say... 6:00?"

"It's ok, Margaret it's just for a few seconds." I reassured her. "I'm just gonna get my English paper and I'll be there ASAP."

"Sounds great!" She said in a rather shaky voice. I noticed drops of sweat rolling from her forehead.

Is she nervous? A confident girl whose dream is to stand up from the crowd, nervous?

"Are you nervous?"

"What? No! W-why would I be nervous. You come to my house all the time."

"Well, not this time." I said, as we rode near the sidewalk. "I heard you redecorated it... again!"

"Oh, yeah." She said alot less shaky now. "Yeah, we kinda needed that remodel every now and then to you know... spruce up the place, you know?"

"Yeah, yeah I guess." Maybe I should do some redecorating and redesigning in our home too. Let's see, maybe a nice orange... no, pink... NO, purple rug on the living room floor then... new curtains... a kind of pink with roses... and...

"Ellie! Earth to Ellie! Wake up!"

"Huh? I'm awake, teacher!" I said not thinking straight.

"Are you just gonna continue sleeping with your eyes either wide open or shut tight and right here with me?! Anyways look, we're here!"

We stood right in front of my house.

"See ya!" Margaret said before zooming away.

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