Elliot and Margaret's Plan

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"WHAT?!" I said, practically shouting. "You and Elliot--"

"Shh, shh, shh." Demi, putting a finger on my lips. "Just calm down and speak. Plus, some one might hear you."

I took a deep breath. "You and Elliot planned all this?!" I whispered, still in disbelief.

"Yes." Margaret said. "Well... not all of it. I didn't expect Maria and Hazel to dress up like..." she paused thinking of the right word. "That. And the two henchmen to buy it."

"But you... you set up the ladder... and-and left your diary?"

"Not only that." She said. "I made Elliot film me on purpose. I expected him to. I expected you to ignore what I said."

"Wow. You sure know your best friend." I said. We snickered.

"That's pretty cool." Demi said, shyly.

"But Hazel's cousin is here?"

"Yeah. Her name's Callie." She explained. "The guy said he needed a new captive after Angela's ransom has been paid. I pleaded him not to, but he went anyways. He snatched a little girl named Callie who I soon found out was Hazel's cousin. We gotta save them."

"Did he fire his gun at Angela and her family?" Katie asked.


Her watch then "beeped". "Oh no!"

"What's wrong, Kates?" I asked.

"The cramp formula's worn out! That means..."

The doorknob suddenly began to shake violently. We jumped up to our feet.

My phone then vibrated. "Hello?"

"They... escaped... Ellie!" Hazel said, using all her force for each word. "They're... they're... coming... they got... our guns!" The call then was dismissed.

"Please tell me this is part of your plan!" Katie mumbled to Elliot.

"No, it isn't." Elliot answered. "What will we do?"

"Uh..." Margaret said, panicking. "The window! Hurry!"

Demi lifted the window open. "Duck!" I shouted as a muscular arm was about to swing in.

"Quack!" Elliot joked as he jumped instead of ducked.

"Come here, boy!"

"Try to catch me first!" He swung his arm again to grab Elliot but he already climbed up the roof.

Just as the henchman began climbing up the roof, the door burst open.

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