Chapter 2: The Park

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The first day of school had gone well. I started talking to this girl in my fashion class called Layla she was chill but I'm still watching that Leslie chick we might just have a problem. I went up to my locker and grabbed my bag and started to walk out. As I was walking out Leslie walked in my way.

"Oh hey" She said flashing a fake smile at me


"I just wanted to apologize for what I said I didn't mean it"

"Okay .. it's cool" I really wanted to leave now. I started to walk off but I could feel her watching me.

I had finally reached my estate it was now 3:30 and school finished at 3. Damn I walk slowly. 

"Ayo Jordyn!" I looked to my left to see Ziggy, Deon and another guy sitting on the wall. 

"Oh hey Ziggy" I said walking towards them. "Hey Deon" I added.

"Y'all met?" Ziggy asked

"Yeah, met her on my way to Kevin's" Deon started "That's Kevin by the way" He said pointing to the boy  that was now looking at me. 

"Hey' I said brightly. He hollered back and we talked for bit. 

"So you live here?" Ziggy asked.

"Yeah, you guys?" I asked.

"Just me" Deon answered. 

"What are your creative classes, maybe we got another class together" Ziggy smiled making me laugh. 

"I picked Sports&leisure, Dance, Fashion" I smiled back.

"See you in sports&leisure and dance then" He's always smiling. 

"I gotta go, see ya"

"Wait you gonna leave me without a number?"

"and me" Deon added

"and me?" Kevin asked. I laughed as we all exchanged numbers.

"Mum, I'm back!" I said running up the stairs and taking a shower. I changed to my PJ's and went to fix up my car.  My mum came out to check up on me.

"Wow, this car is beautiful"

"I know right. I still can't believe Dad bought this for me" I smiled pumping the tire. I finished up and sat next to my mum. "Mum, whats my dad like?" 

"A notorious drug dealer. Never changed. I thought when I had you he would stick around but that was short lived." I was use to the same answer but at least I got a longer answer. I think she saw my facial expression so she continued. "But he loves you even when he left he used to visit you but he wanted to make sure you were safe so he left because things were getting rough and he couldn't bring his family into it. As for me and him we broke up" I didn't want to ask anymore questions so I just hugged my mum and we stayed like that in the front porch for about 5 minutes. I looked around my estate it was real nice don't be thrown by the word estate. There were a mixture of detached and semi-detached houses surrounding each other with a park in the centre. Our moment was broken by  text.

~Text Convo~

ZiggyBoo: Ayy ;) 

SexyJ: ZiggyBoo really? Whassup?

ZiggyBoo: Yup! Meet me at the park round your estate.

SexyJ: Why?

ZiggyBoo: Girl just come!

"Mum, I'm going to the park quickly" I said as I ran down the stairs after putting on my fuzzy pink boots to match with my light pink vest top and matching PJ shorts. 

"Okay, don't be late back!" 

~Ziggy~ 6:00pm

I had just finished a drop off with Deon and was suppossed to chill but his bitch ass took Leslie back to his place for ya'know and Kevin went home so I thought I'd chill with Jordyn, she was real cool and sexy of course. I saw her coming towards the park looking good in her PJ's and her hair up in a messy bun.

"Hey, whassup?" she smiled as she sat on the swing beside me.

"I was bored and thought of you" I replied.

"Only know me for a day and you already hitting me up" I sarcastically joked. We both laughed.

"So tell me more about yourself then?"

"How bout you ask me questions about myself"

"Aight. What qualities in me do you like?"

"Woah! Who said I like you."

"You did just now. So answer the question"

"Your funny" She said looking at me. ".. and kinda cute" She whispered that part. 

"I heard that" We asked more questions and just chilled for half an hour.

"oo .. What did you think when you first saw me?" she asked. I took the chance to go up behind her and whisper gainst her neck.

"Damn .. Jordyn is finee" She giggled and blushed. This girl got me going crazy. 

"I gotta go, see you tomorrow" She tried leaving me like that but I gently held her wrist and brought her closer to me.

"No kiss, not even a hug?"

"No kiss but you get a hug" She hugged me putting her arms around my neck then let go and started walking off back home. I just stood there watching her walk of. She turned an winked "Bye Ziggy" Damn she teasing me like I did in Spanish. 


*Boys In MM*

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