Chapter 22: Rescue Mission

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"Wait so he was cool wit you literally dumping him like that?" I asked Deena as I stuffed like my 8th bonbon in my mouth.

"J behave I didn't dump him...We were never going out" Deena pointed out, as we pulled up to the trap. It was nearly time to get Lay back and we were both excited as hell.

"So wait does that mean that your team Kevin all the way" I asked staring in her face as we sat in the car for a bit.

"Dude there is no team Kevin" Deena sighed with a fake smile.

"Aight so I see youse still trippy" I muttered raising an eyebrow.

"I ain't trippy...I'm just skeptical" she said trynna make up an excuse for the fact she's too scared of losing Kevin if their relationship goes in her mind it's better too stay in the friends zone. Which is actually funny since that's the same Reckless Mentality Kevin has.

Before I could say anything though, someone knocked on the car window, making me roll it down.

"Yoo we about to roll out, and Deon summoning y'all" One of the trap boys said in a rush and ghosted.

Me and Deena got out the car and walked over to where Deon, Travie and Kevin was standing smoking as usual.

"You guys ready?" Travie asked smoking the last of his blunt.

"Here y'all might need this incase shit goes sideways" A tall tattooed nigga said handing us 9mm.

"Nigga they won't need that" Deon quickly said taking the guns away.

Me and Deena just looked at each other and smiled, these niggas are trippy if they think we gonna rely on just them to protect us. We got our own guns on us...incase.

"Aight then let's whip out" Kevin said jumping in the drivers seat of a black SUV.

"Yo imma ride with Stamah" Travie announced dapping the boys.

"Aight in a bit nigga" Kevin and Deon said dapping him.

"Now you 2 know you ain't getting in the car until you give us your guns right?" Deon raised an eyebrow turning to us.

Me & Deena looked at each other hesitantly for handing our guns over.


I sat on one of the chairs at the small square table nervously tapping my feet. It's been hella long since I've seen Shaq and was nervous as fuck.

The opening of the gates made me stand up, and behind a bold tattooed innate was my brother in an orange jumpsuit.

"Look what the cat muthafuckin dragged in" he said giving me a quick dap.

"Sup brah" I nodded taking a seat. "How's prison?" I laughed.

"Ahh you know how it is brah just taking each day as it is" he shrugged seating back chilled. "how's moms and Ciara?"

"They're straight" I replied.

"Aight now that that's out the way why did Ace send you here" he asked with a straight face.

"Err Ace wants to know if his assets are fine" I quietly said leaning forward.

"His assets?! Whys he worried bout his assets?" Shaq replied hella confused.

"Some old enemy called ghosts went after his deposit box code" I explained looking around alert, incase the guards listened in.

"Damn he still mad after all these years" Shaq chuckled resting his cuffed hands on the table.

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