Updates, Questions&A Teaser

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Loads of characters being thrown in so here's the run down of the characters pics which have been updated:

Prologue: Jordyn
Chapter 1: Deon
Chapter 2: Ziggy
Chapter 3: Leslie&her goons(Jaz&Karine)
Chapter 4: Layla
Chapter 5: Travie
Chapter 6: Aaron
Chapter 7: Kevin
Chapter 8: Monique
Chapter 9: Deena
Chapter 10: Killian
Chapter 10 Pt.2: Parents of Jordyn(top 2 pics)&Parents of Deon(the bottom 2 pics)

So go back and check out the character added, I will update this whenever there's a change in it.


Also for chapter 12:

I'm going to need Questions from all of you to:


They will all be at the get together and may be asked your question by another character so we can add it to part of the story. You can ask any other character questions but they will be answered at the end along with any other questions that weren't used in the chapter.

Be creative!

Chapter 11 should be out this week!

Teaser of Chapter 11:

"whats up is I'm really feeling this girl Deena, but me and my stupid ass went and fucked it up"

"Pschh yh you did" Deena let slip. she saw my straight face and apologised. shit why cant she give a nigga courage for making an effort to talk. Na fuck this I feel stupid doing this shit. Jordyn can stay there with her stubborn ass.

"Ziggy I know you be feeling my girl Jordyn and you wouldnt do anything to heart her intentionally but the fact of the matter is you did. So why dont you be a good little nigga and tell Deena why you did it."


Also make sure you following to read chapter 10 pt.2!! It's on private.

Comment your questions below
Check out the new Character pics
What you think of the teaser??


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