Chapter 10 Pt.2: Be Careful

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I was walking around the hospital ward in search of a vending machine with my headphones playing Honey Cocaine - Money Murderer hella loud. I walked past the rooms in the private ward I just got put into, Thanks Dad to find a vending machine at the end of the hall. After retreiving my Cheetos and can of Coke from the Vending machine I turned to see a girl with long, black natural wavy hair that flowed down her back, a caramel complexion, she was wearing light wash skinnies with a burgundy Aeropostal jumper and matching J's she looked about 15. She tucked her hair behind her ear revealing she had been crying which stopped me walking past.

I sat down next to her waiting for her to notice me. "What?" She said looking at me with her puffy eyes.

"I know your upset but you look young as hell to be crying alone in a hospital"

"Why do you care?" She said with that little attitude of hers as she wipped her eyes with her sleeve

"Maybe because I know what its like to cry at the hospital because of your mum, friend, sister, brother ..." She slowly nodded as I mentioned brother.

"You scared for him?" She nodded again.

"It's not just that I won't be able to see him again, my mums gonna stop me from seeing my only brother" She sniffed as I opened my bag of Cheetos offering her some.

"I'm guessing your mum has her reasons for that maybe being with him now is a risk. If not, There's no way she could stop you from seeing your own brother, Just stay strong and I promise it'll work out" She smiled weakily at me as her phone rang playing Honey Cocaine - Hey Boo Yay! Another Honey fan.

"Thanks and I'm sorry for the attitude but I gotta go before my mum sees me still sitting here."

"Alright boo, Take care yeah?" I said giving her a hug

"Thanks, Bye" She said as she stood and rushed off.


"Whassup man?" Killian said approaching the table me and Kevin were sitting at as he dapped us both.

"Nun' Just holding shit down" Kevin Answered, we cool with Killian but we ain't choose to tell anyone bout Jordyn or Ziggy cause it'll spread quicker than these hoes spread their legs.

"Aight, but what I wanted to know is if you could hook me up with 12 ounces of weed by Friday"

"We got you, might even be able to get it by tomorrow"

"You can roll through when I'm bout to smoke it" He grinned already thinking of it.

"Thats whassup!" Kevin said as he did his stupid ass 'getting lifted' dance. We just laughed at this fool. "Damn is that Ashanti" He said staring at her as she was about to walk past, he jumped of sitting on the table as he slung his arm over her shoulder. "Whassup ma?" He said smirking and walking off. That's Kevin, thats all he gotta do to get anyone.

"So what up with Deena?" He asked grinning, I know this nigga aint tryna get Deena, he gonna go through a rollercoaster.

"Depends whats up with you and Elyssa"


"So everyone I want to interrogate ain't here, what am I supposed to post on my Blog today" I looked over at Layla and this bitch fixing her hair in the mirror she got put in the door of her locker, I know its so stereotypically 'american teenager'. "damn you vain"

"Shut up, I need to go see Aaron so I need to make sure I look right."

"Do you hear yourself, its all me, I, me .. I. The world doesn't revolve around you, it revolves around me, Why? Because I'm the Universe b" I joked.

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