Chapter 18: Trapped

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Authors Note: Realised we ain't added a pic of Knox so there he go in the MM! Or attached above for users of the app!


"Davina I thought you said you were going to the mall with some friends?!" I asked Davina once she entered through the bedroom door.

I was posted on the edge of the bed staring at some pictures that one of the guys that I sent to check on Davina took. She was near some abandoned place looking like she having a heated argument with some nigga she clearly knows.

"Woaw I can't even get a hello or nothin" she laughed putting down her bag.

"Don't fuck with me & just answer my fucking question!" I roared wiping the smile of her face.

"Yes I went to the fucking mall" she responded with hella attitude folding her arms and towering over were I was seating.

I chuckled at her lies...knowing full well she ain't know that I know where she's been.

"Then explain this" I said in a serious tone pushing the pictures into her chest. "And don't fucking lie to me this time" I bitterly spat taking out a joint laced with angel dust.

After observing the pictures I saw her face drop.

"Wait you were spying on me?! Wtf is wrong with you Deon?!" she angrily shouted.

Wait what?! she mad. She the one that's must probably fucking that nigga in the picture.

"Shut-the-fuck-up" I gritted through my teeth as I got in her face backing her up against the wall.

"Now Davina tell me who the fuck that nigga was and why you were with him" I patronisingly demanded pulling a draw.

"Deon please it's not what you think" she calmly stated placing her arms on my chest trying to push me away.

"So then why you lie?!" I demanded not convinced.

"I don't know...just please calm down" she pleaded.

I laughed and backed away from her. Shit I'm calm...I'm just a bit high.

"Who is he?" I asked again.

"An old acquaintance" she responded.

I chuckled.

"What where you talking bout?!"


"What kind of stuff?!"

"Just stuff" she bluntly replied avoiding eye contact.

I took couple steps towards her and looked deep into her eyes before whispering into her ears.

"Tell me the truth"

"What the hell Deon!" She shouted pushing me back. "I said it was nothing"

"Then why -the-fuck did you lie Davina! Ya know what fuck your excuses" I backed away from her taking another puff. "I'm done with this shit" I swung my bedroom door open and jogged down the stairs.

"Wait Deon .. wait" Davina said trailing behind me as I entered the kitchen. "I know your on edge right now with the smoking and .. finding the guys that shot y-"

"Davina .." I spoke rubbing my temple. "Just get out!" I looked at her and she stood helplessly looking at me.

"You spied on me, Deon I lied only to protect you but you didn't even trust me?" She walked up to me as I put my blunt out, I ain't really looking to argue right now.

"Do you not remember I got shot couple days ago, I was making sure ain't nobody tryna go after my girl like they did Ziggy" I huffed, Davina looked like she ain't know what I say.

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