Chapter 2

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Chapter Two:

Selena’s POV:

It was now lunch time and I walked off to the cafeteria with Demi. I sat at the lunch table where there sat Ariana, Barbara and Jasmine or as we call her Jas.

“Hey girls.” I smiled. Each of them said hi back.

“Aren’t you gonna eat? You never skip lunch.” Barbara asked taking a fry in her mouth.

“No.” I replied. I stole a fry from Barbara’s plate popping it in my mouth, getting a death glare in return.

“Are you okay? Are you feeling sick?” Ariana asked feeling my head.

“I’m fine Ariana.” I said taking her hand off my forehead.

“Are you sure? Selena you never skip lunch—or any chance to eat like Barbara said.” Jas said chuckling a bit.

“Like I said, I’m fine. I have to go up to the library because Mrs. Ice gave us a project to do. I have to do a paper on my favorite book from Shakespeare.” I said not interested.

“Ohhh, I feel sorry for you babe.” Barbara said.

“Just do Romeo and Juliet. It’s simple and we read it before during our freshman year.” Demi spoke up.

“I would, but I can’t. She said any book except Romeo and Juliet because I’m guessing she knows everyone would try to pick that book.” I said shrugging my shoulders.

My friends are the best. I’ve known Demi the longest. We became bestfriends instantly in first grade. Demi is like the laid back one of the group. She gets along with everyone fairly nicely—well tries to; she’s never the one to start an argument.  Ariana comes second. I met Ariana in the 5th grade, when Demi and she became step-sisters. You actually wouldn’t think they are step-sisters because usually step sisters never got along, but they actually got along perfectly well. Ariana is also like the bubbly one of the group. She always has energy, she basically reminds us all of a 10 year old girl—but in a good way.

Next Jas and Barbara. I met them when I became head cheerleader freshman year and they were on the team. I also instantly became close friends with them also. Jas is like the really fun one of the group—basically the party girl. She’s always up for a party and loves to have fun. Barbara you can say is the preppy one. She’s also kind of snobby, but not that much.

I got along with them very well, but out of all them I was closest to Demi.

Oh and I have other friends from the cheer team, and other “populars” but Demi, Ariana, Barbara and Jas are the ones who I’m closest to.

“So what is basically this paper about again?” Demi asked.

“Basically I have to write a one page paper on my favorite Shakespeare book, other than Romeo and Juliet.” I said. “I mean I’m glad that it doesn’t have to be 10 pages long, but still, this project is going to bore me to death I swear!” I said.

Suddenly I saw Ariana’s boyfriend, Jai walk up to her giving her a kiss. Out of the group, Ariana and I were the only ones with boyfriends—as of right now.

“Thanks for saying hi.” Jas said throwing a fry at him.

“Hi there lovely ladies. You all look gorgeous today, but I think my babe Ariana has you all beat.” He said kissing Ariana again.

“Aw thanks Jai.” She said blushing.

We all made gagging sounds and twisted faces acting like we were grossed out but it was actually cute.

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