Chapter 1 - Young Love

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I, for one, hate young couples. I could go on and on about how disgusting they are, but when reality comes around, it's probably because I never truly fell in love. Sure, you can point out Loki or Zuko, but they aren't real. They don't look you in the eyes when you talk. They can't have a conversation with you. They just don't exist. So, if I saw a couple, I either would pretend to like them, or I would tease my heart out. Even as a true Disney fan, I do not believe in love at first sight, because the cute guy you saw at Target wearing your favorite band tee, could have murdered three girls the night before.

I stare at Adam and Alice against the teachers desk. We just changed seats in class and with my luck, I'm stuck with Adam, whose girlfriend is in our class. I wish the drama ended there, but Edwin and Wendy were in our table too, and coincidently, Edwin has a huge crush on Wendy! Although Edwin has disabilities, even he was able to like someone. Anyways, back to Romeo and Juliet cuddling against the desk. His leg was on top of hers and his hand reaching far behind her back. She was staring at him with the eyes of the guy you met at Target. Crazy eyes. I patiently waited for the bell to ring, because I couldn't take any more of their love stuff. Especially since we were 14. FOURTEEN. I know you thought we were like eighteen or something. Nope, we are fourteen.

I wished the bell would ring already and I could just go home with Maia and Gabriella. It was still 2:47 and we had thirteen more minutes of class. The teacher always gave us the last fifteen minutes to do whatever we wanted, and apparently, she didn't care that there were two kids cuddling against a desk. I had all my classes with my two best friends. Gabriella and Maia were my best friends from an early age. I met Gabriella in kindergarten and Maia in first grade. We automatically became friends. The three of us have been staring at the couple for the last two minutes until Maia decided to speak up.

"You should ask him to ask her out." Maia was one of the prettiest and not to mention, smartest girls in the grade. She was Indian with tan skin, long brown hair, big dark brown eyes, and more or less Kylie Jenner lips. She was the shortest of us, but to be fair, she was a good 5'4 or so.

Gabriella answered with, "They are already dating, you idiot. They act like they're engaged." She was the tallest out of all of us and was around 5'8. She had medium brown hair, tannish skin, and dark brown eyes that peer into your soul.

"Give it up. They are totally dating," I answered. Compared to my friends, I was pretty mediocre. Falling in between them in height, prettiness and smarts. Like my friends, I had brown hair, but my hair fell right below my shoulders. My eyes were greenish brown, but not enough to be hazel. My height was also right in between my two best friends. I was also the only one in the group who was friends with Adam. He was nice I guess, but he was totally into Alice, no matter how much he didn't admit it. They were cuddling, for god's sake! Maia sighed, as she knew we were probably right. She hates being wrong.

"You know, we should come over to my place today and have a sleepover," I said.

Maia suggested,"I guess we could, but I mean, we have a sleepover the day after tomorrow at your place, so we should probably go to my place and just hang 'til 8."

Gabriella shrugged, "I don't really know. We go to Ember's place every single Friday and Maia's, like, every other day. We should go to my place. Come on."

Gabriella's house was very small compared to ours, but her family was surely the sweetest. It was just that we never really got anything done there since we always had so much fun. Nevertheless, it was the best place to plan. Maia lived in a regular house, I lived in a huge apartment complex (where Adam also lived), and Gabriella lived in a smaller apartment in the poorer side of the town. Gabriella's parents were never home, always working at different jobs, so ideally, it wouldn't be a bad place to go. After a while of deep thoughts, I responded.

"Sure. My curfew is at midnight if I'm with you guys. You know that." Like Maia's family, my parents trusted me a lot, and since they were either at home working, or at work, they trusted me to be independent. Even past midnight, it was a safe neighborhood.

"Okay, why not? But we are totally stopping at Starbucks before," Maia said. We laughed at Maia's comment. She loved Starbucks more than she loved school. And for her, school is life.

Snapping back into reality, we turned back towards the couple. "Go talk to the lovebirds," Gabriella said. She always wanted to get involved with everything, and that was very hard for me, because honestly, I liked to stay on the sidelines. I hated getting involved with things that I didn't need to be involved in, but that was hard with two very social friends. Most of the time, it was nearly impossible.

"Fine," I muttered. I walked up to the teacher's desk to realize the two weren't leaning anymore but just sitting awkwardly next to each other.

"Hi, Ember!" Adam said quickly, before realizing that Alice was giving me the stink eye.

Alice is the type of girl that's the leader of the squad who thinks they are popular, but they really aren't. Down from her long blond hair, to the fact that she loves sports so much, she is the living replica of a Barbie. And to be honest, once you're in middle school, no one likes Barbies anymore. Of course, my crew wasn't popular either. We just "yoloed" every day of our lives. That usually meant Gabriella sticking carrots up her nose and then eating it, Maia making racist jokes, and me just dancing away like the world wasn't watching.

Apparently, still not getting Alice's hint with the stink eye, Adam asked, "So do you want to walk home together today or..." He was nudged by Alice before he could finish. Now, he got the clue. He really did love Alice, but she was probably the worst thing that happened to him.

Our houses were a thirty-minute walk. Adam and I walked home a few times before, when Gabriella and Maia were both busy. He usually talked about sports while I had my headphones in, or as the subject has been lately, we just talk about Alice.

I laughed it off, "No, I just wanted to ask if you two were Instagram official." Alice finally made eye contact with me.

"Stay away from my Addy-poo. We have been official for, like, a few weeks now," she said, rolling her eyes. Adam smiled at the nickname Addy-poo, as he apparently liked being called a piece of shit.

Gross. Honestly, no girl has been able to talk to Adam, for work or for fun, since he's started dating Alice. They were always together 24/7, and if I even asked Adam what the homework was, this girl would bite my head off.

Sadly, I think Gabriella's always had a thing for Adam, as he was one of the only guys around her height. Honestly, she does NOT hide her liking very well. She sent a few singing valentines to Adam in the previous years. (Our school was a K-12 school, which makes fitting in easier if you were here since kindergarten and even harder if you come in during high school.) Gabriella always sent him the same exact song. She always sent "I Turn To You" by Christina Aguilera. I never really approved of it, but hey, Gabriella never listens to me anyway.

As I was caught up in my own thought, the bell rang, and I waved goodbye to the couple as I walked to my best friends. Maia and Gabriella were giving me the look that said it all. Or basically said, "WHAT THE HELL JUST HAPPENED? ASDFGHJKL?!" I smiled at them and answered, "The same thing as last time." The three of us rolled our eyes. This relationship was getting out of hand.

As we began walking to Starbucks, Gabriella started questioning me about Adam. "Will he and Alice ever break up? I mean, they did stop cuddling at the end of today! Does Adam even like Alice? Like, dude! She is so mean. I am like super duper quadruple nicer!"

Maia let out a laugh, "You totally like him don't you?"

Gabriella stopped, "For the last time. You have been asking me this for, like, a billion years, I don't. I just don't want another guy to be stuck in Alice's wrath."

"Sure," Maia and I both answered sarcastically.

We arrived in front of Target. This target had a Starbucks inside, and it was the closest to our route home, so ideally, it was our normal stop. We picked up our usuals and headed over to Gabriella's place. It was around 3:45 and Gabriella's house was a pretty far distance away. It would take about an hour to walk there, and another hour to walk from there to my house. But it's worth it. I get to annoy Gabriella about her big crush on Adam.

A/N: YAYAYAY! WE ARE PUTTING THIS ON WATTPAD! So basically this is a collaboration account! Please vote on the chapter and comment too!


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